Infertility is more common than you think—support is not | Alisha Rai | TEDxUniversityofMississippi

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One in six people are affected by infertility in their lifetime, which makes the journey to motherhood difficult and isolating for many. Alisha Rai never anticipated the pain and heartache she would face, nor the hollow support of people's platitudes. She calls for a more honest and compassionate community response. #infertility

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THANK YOU for shedding light on the pain behind infertility, for raising awareness for couples struggling, helping to destigmatize the condition and for educating people on how to provide support. Our society needs this!


I am so proud of you for using your voice to shed light on something that touches so many lives but is rarely discussed so openly.

It’s takes a special kind of bravery to turn personal experience into a platform for change and you did that


Thank you, Alisha. deeply appreciate you speaking on this. Having a village of family around me was key. I am blessed with twins now and they are 31 years old.


Such a powerful and important TEDx talk on infertility, miscarriage, and embryo adoption. Your honesty and bravery in sharing your story will undoubtedly offer hope and support to so many others walking a similar path. Thank you for shining a light on these deeply personal experiences and for advocating for understanding and empathy. Your words truly resonate and inspire.


Being a mother is a blessing and a privilege 100%


Great job on discussing a complex subject such as is within a limited 10 min window. I hope your words reach many who need to hear this and understand the importance that a supportive “village” plays within this space.


A TEDx talk worth listening to! Thank you for taking on such an enormous topic in such a beautiful way. I hope your message reaches everyone who needs to hear it.


Omg thank you. PLEASE PEOPLE if you take one thing away from this, DONT ASK INTRUSIVE QUESTIONS. JUST DONT.


Thank you for your candour on this topic! There's a stigma associated with infertility and it leaves some women feeling inadequate.


Wow, exceptionally delivered with real food for thought! Infertility and miscarriages are not really spoken about. I know three friends going through it but treatment is definitely a privilege that many can’t afford. I am sure many women and men going through this would appreciate her vulnerability but she is also dripping in privilege with her Valentino shoes, Alexandra McQueen dress, and rocks on her hands, she can afford the hefty price tag $$$ associated with infertility treatments. Nevertheless good for her.


This resonated with me so profoundly. Thank you for shedding light on a journey that can be so very dark and isolating. ❤


I enjoyed seeing how passionate you were towards your human condition And expressing your nature and your ability to nurture
But what about those families stripped from progressing their ability to nurture their own loved ones
You see the importance of birth families and the importance of nature
Nurturing nature is a natural mother and should be encouraged with that comes with compassion and unconditional love
Not to those those who are skeptical and judgmental and narcissistic SS


Alisha🪷 I listened to the talk, it was great👌🏽 You delivered it so well, nice inflections and movement👍🏽 The story and emotion you conveyed, will resonate with women the world over, something we all need to hear. I definitely felt better hearing it and absorbing what I identify with. It felt as though you were speaking to me at times and that struck a chord, a chord I didn't think I'd pick at again.

Thank you Alisha, this was a very educational and emotional talk❤


aimentalhealthadvisor AI fixes this. Infertility affects one in six.


Thanks for sharing your story and the importance of community throughout the journey. Such an empowering and inspiring message! 🫶


Having lived in the 70's and 80's there was hardly any women that had these kind of issues. Getting pregnant was actually what women had a hard time avoiding. Now it's the other way around, 1 in 4 women have trouble getting pregnant in the US and 2 out of 3 males are infertile, so something happened around the 90's to cause and explosion of this and the only thing I can think of is that the amount of chemicals in the environment went up significantly, due to farming practices and the chemicals in our consumer goods.


When I’m out shopping the majority of products say they cause cancer and reproduction harm… so yeah not surprising at all, the fact it’s still allowed is what’s surprising 😢😮


Infertility is a Journey that you need support. The time when your periods comes, 😭😭😭😭, you know it means nothing. You read weekly about babies found on waste bins


7:00 IVF
9:00 It takes a village to have a child
11:50 Mom


Motherhood is not just a privilege and should not be just for the privileged
Personal development, personal growth as a living being

Families of different abilities should not be subjected to scrutiny persecution judgment
because every family has a unique way of bringing up their family and should be guided and supported to be all that they can be to support mother‘s nature plan to support each and every living being of All levels of intelligence and abilities
Never subjecting anyone to isolation division, but using human compassion as the main focus in all forms of life and towards how each other lives their lives

I would like to ask you how do you feel about families that are stripped from there children By the ignorance and self indulgent social services
