Finding Your Inner Queen (or King!)

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Women in Leadership

The discussion around women in leadership is a complex subject and one that Robyn Vincent, our esteemed Headteacher of The Outdoors School, delves into in her TOG Talk which we have launched today to celebrate International Women’s Day. In it, she talks about the history of female leaders and how in times gone by, leadership roles were taken by the most adept and experienced for the job, regardless of gender. She talks about Cleopatra as a philosopher and mathematician, the popularity of Women’s Football in the early 1920s and when things shifted to a more male paradigm. She also talks about the difference between male and female paradigms and how the latter provides a more inclusive, supportive approach to leadership, building up those around you and resulting in more success in business. She also explains that it’s not a case of only men tapping into male paradigms and women into female paradigms. They are general approaches and philosophies that can be recognised and adapted by anyone, regardless of how they identify.

Choose to Challenge

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is ‘Choose to Challenge’. This is particularly pertinent in light of Robyn’s talk. She talks about rejecting the traditional ideas of leadership and how to behave in the workplace and suggests a new, more inclusive approach.

Find Your Purpose – regardless of whether we’re talking about life in general or within the workplace, Robyn challenges us to focus on what our purpose is. We can’t change the world in one go but if we all choose one small thing to focus on improving, the world would be a much better place. You don’t have to look too far for examples of this, from Gina Martin who successfully made ‘upskirting’ a criminal offence to Amika George who at the age of 17, started a campaign to end period poverty – these young women have taken one injustice and ran with it to try and bring about positive change in the world.

Build your toolbox – Identify your skill sets and where your strengths lie and use them! You might be a fantastic public speaker, you could be an administrative whizz, you might be incredible at making connections with people on a real level. You could be an amazing artist, brilliant with children, great with numbers and finances. Work out what you’re good at and use that!

Utilise Others – Everyone’s toolbox will contain different skills, if you are facing a task that you feel you need help with – ask for it! There is no shame in reaching out and the more you do this, the more others around you will feel safe enough to do the same.

Build Each Other Up – Don’t knock each other down, instead support each other. We’re stronger together and no one ever felt better for making someone else feel worse. Community is key, in everything.

Read the full blog to find out more about how The Outdoors Group, is ahead of the curve and breaking that glass ceiling when it comes to equal opportunities.

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I forgot how fabulous this was/is. Thank you Robyn for creating this brilliant and informative resource xxx
