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Aug 7th, 6pm CET, 12pm EST, 9am PST

INFJ Life Coach Lesson: As most of you know, we're doing INFJ warrior month. And in one of the last videos, we talked about transformation, how this is one of our biggest strengths. The fact that we can change our self-image, the way we see the world, and what this means for our future. Today, I want to go even deeper into this topic and talk about our thoughts and how we can control them. Because we as INFJs have a particular ability to control our thoughts, but at the same time, our emotions can be that strong that they counteract in a way that is not beneficial to us.

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What thoughts have you controlled in the past or are working on controlling right now?


This channel has been a literal life changer at 22 yrs old. Thank you.


Watching this again..."you feel like just because you have a connection you have to remain loyal. That it is the moral thing to do..."😭😭😭😭 so many years wasted and used up by others


I highly recommend meditation. I knew I was not my thoughts, I knew who I was at my core, my soul. I learned a lot of bad habits to make others laugh (pauses, being critical, being rude) because I didn’t feel valid for my abstract and beautiful language. I knew in the moment I liked to enunciate words but I was NOT my habits to make others laugh so heavily! These hunches WILL hit you, and they hit you FOR A REASON. I promise anyone who is in an insecure state right now, you at your core ARE NOT inferior in anyway. TAKE TIME to SLOW DOWN. And recognize which thoughts are yours versus others. We can learn from others SO easily. These hunches will come to remind you of that! Please believe me, you control your thoughts. And when fear/emotion hits and gets in the way, PUSH. PUSH. PUSH. Write that character you’ve had in your mind for so long. Push beyond perfectionism, and CREATE SOMETHING SO YOU KNOW YOURSELF MORE. You will gain more confidence in your creations, and gain more confidence in changing your thoughts. The practice will be put to your new normal. REMEMBER: you have SUCH a unique ability to watch your thoughts and understand how to change them. Obviously anyone can, but as INFJs WE can understand it easier.

Meditate. Watch your thoughts and reconnect with your strongest intuition about others. You will learn to respect yourself more and understand further that you are more than others’ verification/your old way of feeling good. These HUNCHES will SAVE you. BELIEVE ME, a 19 year old INFJ recovering from disrupted thoughts in HS. Being loved by everyone and finding validation from that while escaping my true self in fear of pursuing inner true joys (creation, dreaming, etc.). I gave that all up, unfollowed those influencing me the most, and imagined this place I am now. Although fears and emotions still prevent me from time to time with not changing my thoughts and pursuing my real goals, I know now my hunches were correct. I unlearned so much BS for others verification and now have a better understanding of my TRUE enunciation of words. Take this long monologue for example, IM MEANT TO INSPIRE THROUGH ENUNCIATION, NOT GAIN SUPERFICIAL “VERIFICATION” FROM OTHERS THROUGH DRY HUMOR. I love all of you. I believe in you. Practice practice practice and one day you will realize that one hunch saved your life.💟


I don’t comment too much in the videos, But this one in particular brought a lot of light to me. I’m an 18 years old INFJ … and most of the time I’m thinking and thinking about life… i mean, about the meaning behind my actions, my thoughts… about the way I should behave/ act in the real world and interact with people, and always trying to grow more and achieve my goals… but time to time I have problems to stay on track, to keep motivation or to organize my ideas. At the end it is realizing that my ideals or my beliefs and intentions are not reality… and that what I do is not my identity… also, the emotions have a big role in my “thinking” process…. So with your help I’m learning more and more and I’m grateful for your work and dedication to these videos.


"Does it mean I was lying to myself back then? Or does this mean that I'm lying to myself now in the end?"
I relate so hard!

Also, this train of thought "in the end of the day whatever I do becomes useless and vain." I had that for years. I tried to rebut it but couldn't! Lol
It's when I started to do things because they were leading to my vision when I stopped believing those things.


"only gonna like people who like me" haha, true! imagine sharing this with people who still think you don't choose who you like and dislike, that "just happens"...that works because we choose to be happy and feel good over unhappy and miserable. They might not always fit our scenario we've built in our heads, but at least they'll never, AT LEAST CONCIOUSLY, cause us any harm.


Very well said. Everyone have their own truth and meaning and there are no „wrong“ or „right“. Every person is right for himself and it has to be that way because who you'll be right to if you don't be right for yourself.


Thank you for sharing your experience. You positivly influencing the world thats amazing. We really can appreciate that in our time we can impact people around the world. Who could think of this 100 years ago. So like you said you could believe everything is going bad or how much the world had changed in the positve direction and how it could be better in the future


What thoughts have I controlled in the past or are working on controlling right now ? Any and all negative thoughts and negativity levied toward me by anyone whom was basically envious of me or just simply does not understand me. I've been so much more cautious of whom I associate with lately. I do believe that you must surround yourself with good positive, yet critically thinking people. Getting away from those old paradigms that don't work and being free so that I can be productive. Thanks for a really good video, I enjoyed this.


It's been my experience that managing my emotions by decisions made in the mind has worked well. We INFJs value reason and logic even though we do tend to live by our hearts.

I like to see "thinking" and "emotions" as a team. I tend to lead with the thought based choices and I've found out that sooner or later the emotions will cooperate. On the rare occasions that they don't line up, then further analysis is needed.


Great video Wenzes! It's true. Learn to control the thoughts and things you CAN control, and leave the rest to the universe. Because what we want isn't always what the universe has in store for us. Sort of like that saying the old folks used to always tell you... "If you want to hear God laugh...Tell him YOUR plans." 👍🏼


I like to think of it as the ability to restructure or reprogram my outlook. One of the reasons why I like videos like this is for insight how other INFJs may behave that I may try out myself sometime.


Heyy Wenzes, thank you so much for creating this channel. This literally is the best life coaching channel I've seen on Youtube so far. Very practical, very informative, and help me go through all the darkness as a 23 year old. People say to enjoy life not to think too much at my age but I don't want to choose to ignore those emotions and thoughts in me. I know I need to make a change.


Amazing. Exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for putting it out there.


Hey, just a little comment to thanks you too for all your videos ! I was still in a mentally not so good place in the start of the year. I wanted to get to know myself better, to be more grounded and stable since i have graduated. I'm 22 so i'm still a 'young infj', but your videos have really help me to get to understand and accept parts of myself i though were wrong during thoses few months, i approche life in a way more healthy, mature and fulfilling way now. It will spare me a lot of useless suffering i think in the future, life is way more peaceful now so thank you a lot for that, keep it up ! ✌️


Thank you, Wenzes! Another great one i just started practicing this this week in combination with the principle of FE maintenance you mentioned in one of your other videos. So happy! I like the way you tackle the conundrum of "illusions" and "lying" to oneself. That is where i struggled in the past but realized i was doing that anyway but doing it against my best interest!


This is really great! :0) I already follow a psychologist in my native language and know how people in general can control their thoughts - but that's in general. You're an INFJ and I'd love to see this topic unfolded some more :-)


Hi wenze can you share some tips on proper mindset in handling political issues nowadays. Toxicity is all over social media nowadays. Thank u for ur videos!!!


Thank you so so much !! I really needed this. You're an angel Wenzes🙏🏻
