When The INFJ Masters These 10 Things, Their Sigma Nature Manifests

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When The INFJ Masters These 10 Things, Their Sigma Nature Manifests. As the most misunderstood personality type, INFJs are forced to repress their intricacies to appear normal. They have to awaken their sigma nature to realize their potential and live life unapologetically— but how? Here are then things INFJs should master to manifest their sigma nature.

Sadly, some INFJs who haven't mastered their intricacies yet seek outer validation. But to seek shelter from their sigma self, they have to let go of this unhealthy preoccupation and be in touch with their own power. These unique individuals have incredible potential within them, but most of them still never knew how to tap into it. They become bogged down in their limiting beliefs and self-doubt as they stop pursuing things that bring them true happiness. But when they master self-empowerment, their inner strength comes to life, and everything else becomes a challenge to overcome rather than a fair reason to back out.

Despite their imperfections, most INFJs are working on mastering these things to successfully manifest their sigma nature and cope with life more effectively. As an INFJ, do you already have the characteristics of a sigma? What steps did you take to manifest it?

00:00 INTRO
00:20 10 Asserting their decisions
01:17 09 The art of being unbothered
02:11 08 Having the guts to go against the flow
03:07 07 Understanding the importance of silence
04:01 06 Not needing a social circle to express themselves
04:59 05 Thinking more than they speak
05:41 04 Learning to reject social hierarchy
06:40 03 Knowing how to adapt to different situations
07:23 02 Loving solitude while also valuing people's presence
08:21 01 Being in touch with their power

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Orbit by Corbyn Kites
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#infj #infjpersonality #infjtherarestpersonality #infjpersonalitytype

**DISCLAIMER** ON TRACK is not a personality or psychology advisor and anything that we present on this YouTube channel should not be seen as a personality or psychology advice. We are presenting our own experiences, research, and opinions for everyone to be aware and to know how to become better as a person.
Рекомендации по теме

00:00 INTRO
00:20 10 Asserting their decisions
01:17 09 The art of being unbothered
02:11 08 Having the guts to go against the flow
03:07 07 Understanding the importance of silence
04:01 06 Not needing a social circle to express themselves
04:59 05 Thinking more than they speak
05:41 04 Learning to reject social hierarchy
06:40 03 Knowing how to adapt to different situations
07:23 02 Loving solitude while also valuing people's presence
08:21 01 Being in touch with their power

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As a child i was already different and very intuitive. I wanted the truth and justice and by helping others with my abilities, yes i was a sigma and was also accepted from my friends. The problem was in the family and later the marriage they forced me to do. I divorsed the narc and teach my sons to accept their nature. I am 55 now and realy respected by the people i ve met in my life. But it was a great struggle and i had to be very strong!


i was five when i realized not only do adults feel justified lying to kids but kids are dense and understand nothing. I decided i should hide the fact that i was different for personal safety reasons as well as the fact I could not be bothered. I am very good at getting people (especially Karens) to Not bother me


I definitely fit the profile now as an adult. When I was a younger I was definitely more of a follower. Trying to fit in and wanted everyone to like me.


I had the opposite problem most people have growing up, I went from being a navy brat with worldly views then got dropped into a super small town where I had to learn click mentality instead of group think. Then I learned how to do them both simultaneously based on the people around me. Learned to be playful or serious 🧐


Oh thanks to God, ..I can understand myself better now.
I can't help being in solitude.


And that is the Secret of the Chef. Although I KNOW you would LOVE to know don't you?
But it is a great accurate summ up indeed!
Thank You so much!


Even a mature sigma INFJ personality type is never given the Authority and respect they deserve😂😂😂


I love this statements ☺🙆‍♀ And yea... I just donnow how people confident enough about who they really are sometimes. Just before this, I am like ENFJ. Bugging people with their dramas and all... Until one day, I snapped and stop it all. Begin the life journey as a Sigma. ☺ Its hard at first but now, I'm not anymore. I didn't use FE like ENFJ, but NI more. My ideas shocking people. I don't speak... Yes. I just said "I know what to do, don't worry", then... I had it all done. Hihihi 🙆‍♀☺


Asserting decisions inspired me to define the suffix cisions in the word DECISION. This is what Urban Dictionary has: -cision suffix relates to 'cutting', from Latin verb caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesum meaning 'cut'. The only use of the suffix cision is: Cision provides public relations services to businesses, using a cloud-based, or software as a service (SaaS) model. There is a reddit Me-Cision thread.


It's been a journey! Not sure what I would of done if I hadn't discovered this channel to learn more about myself. Deepest regards! Thank you!


can you please make a video about "how INFJ take compliments"


This is me 💯%!
If it wasn’t for my mother, over half a year ago now, I would not have gotten to where I am as a Sigma INFJ.


What helps me appreciate ppls presence more is knowing they won't be there anymore one day


Had to have a mental break down to start thinking clearly again haha


I've most assuredly reached this point as that I'm unmoved by previous as you've listed were setbacks in regards of my kind heartedness misspent on the wrong kind of company to have exploited me for all of my worth was never enough to sate their egos.
At times I wished I had understood my corks then as why I felt out of place within the streets I grew to understand more than myself.
And the kinds of people I ran with, although we grew wild in the relatively same neighborhood, I always felt more considerate of situations and have always been referred to as overly sensitive or at times given alot of raised eyebrows for concerns as to whether or not of my character, to question my odd demeanor.
How is it that I could be hot one minute and cold the next as I've been asked with no explanation, I would just shrug with I don't know.

I was burdened by this assumption of being condesending as my loyalty was always in question, even though I was the loyalist amongst 'em and sadly more than accommodating to prove my integrity.
I've cut ties here and there for the sake of peace and realization on my own terms as after hanging out for so long on a daily and always up for night thrills, I naturally reflected their mannerisms without so much as a thought in which unintentionally I had fueled their egos. Fortunately, those days are long behind me and I had just recently cut ties with someone I've known 20yrs and unfortunately it was long overdue as he's a narcissist in every sense of the word and won't see for himself as why karma frequents his life just as the women who've left 'em are somehow always their fault but having been a witness, I know better and he'll never change as I've repeatedly advised him "Come to understand your denial soul that you may forgive yourself a more fulfilling life then wallowing of how everyone else has abandoned you as if a helpless victim left to die on the way side of some far off dirt road out in the sticks"
Of course he's listening, for his own excuses as he's crying on about how he's acknowledged his mistakes but still quick to point out others as having done worse to assume his lures still work on me as I were oblivious then and he's a broken man now stuck lies he's convinced himself to honestly believe those lies he's sworn by as the truth. What hammered in on the last nail was to give everyone a choice between him and his ex girlfriend. She loved him the best could and as to how I knew she loved him; besides his snide sense humor at her expense whenever in the preasance of an audience, she managed to stay with him longer than his previous relationships.
I was honestly surprised she lasted over 3 years.
Finally having had enough as everyone else saw it, she left to reconnect with herself as he has a way of getting others around to his way of thinking with a hint of intimidation in his word play for having others question their own guilt as if they've somehow offended him. You can only imagine how much of villain she was to his innocence as always the victim to every woman whose had enough of his shit.
When I become friends with anyone it's with an expectation for life unless it's nothing but nonstop drama as ever ongoing problems, never a solution and to barely suggest is shot down before the landing wheel has had a chance to lift up for a plane to leave ground.
What's between two rival friends is there's to resolve.
Now here's the real Jerry Springer "what tha'f¥¿kofit" Show.
He's now dating her sister which also happens to be her estranged twin and then as out of the blue, gives his friends an option. His sister was much worse than him as I was married to her for 16 years and she gave me same option differences being between her and her brother. Say I was living within a hornet's nest of narcissists is an understatement. Aside from their poor mother; of whom I have great deal of respect, sister along with 3 brothers and father as source of woes and embarrassment. So much as neighbors tried to get a petition signed with idea of removing him from the neighborhood. Each have their own sense of style to their tactics as to be in control. Please excuse me for the rant as I'll go on to conclude, I understand now how liberating it is not to be remotely moved by bombardment of nonsensical causes for reasons to believe their standardized shit can sing songs of fragrance as to pass over an audience and expect that fear of being considered rude during a fly hovering stage act of greatness would hinder jeers, and this is where shit stained eyes are slack jawed as I would clearly stand and shout out "You along with your fly infested stench has got to go immediately as I'll set off the fire alarm, but not before setting off the overhead fire sprinklers on your shitty ass performance!"


In a cursory search the answer to whether or not a word has to have a root word is no and its in the case of the Russian word 'вынуть' which means to take out. I didn't bother digging deeper than that as the basic sense is a word needs a root in order for us not to feel cut off and torn. This is why my gut reaction to making decisions is an urgent desire to not decide.


As an INFJ, I am about 60% Sigma still desiring that outer validation.


The De prefix of decision brings up the question is it possible to have a prefix and suffix with no root word.


My Sigma crawled out of the closet four months ago. 🎉😅
