Thief Reaction If You Wear GRAY FOX COWL (COWL OF NOCTURNAL) Random Encounter - TESV Skyrim AE

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Video with Thief Reaction If You Wear GRAY FOX COWL (COWL OF NOCTURNAL) Random Encounter - TESV Skyrim AE

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You're the Gray Fox! You're under arrest for... For all kinds of stuff! You're wanted dead or alive, and I'm choosing dead.


I'm guessing the cowl sets your faction to the thieves guild, which makes this pre existing dialogue happen. The person who created this mod/creation definitely did not hire a voice actor 😅


That's genuinely pretty cool that the mod author went through and did that....yknow I might actually do it and fking hire some actors to voice all this dlc in ae


I was so hoping to use the Cowl in a thief build because it was the one item I wanted to see make a return in Skyrim -- but because it automatically causes all the guards within a city or town to become hostile and attack you, it's practically not worth the trouble.
At the very least, Bethesda could've just had it trigger the "I Know You..." dialogue, which would've been much more tolerable.


I always choose 'I'd rather die' and fight the thief, killing them. Granted, they're generally a little tougher for me than the Dark Brotherhood Assassins/ Assassins. You'd think the people actively trying to kill you would be quite a bit more formidable than common thieves trying to hold you up for coin. Same really goes for Miraak's little friends. I generally kill them with ease as well.


Be nice if the guards' reaction felt a little more fluid than just attacking you on sight whenever mask is on. Something more akin to the reaction in Oblivion would be preferable.


Been awhile but I believe you get the same reaction if you are wearing the nightingale armor


I just got the cowl but before having it I also had a "friendly" encounter with a thief. He didn´t give me lockpicks but he gave me gold because, apparently, it was "my part of the deal".
Playing a full thief build raising only sneaking, lockpicking, pick-pocketing, etc. And activated the thief stone at the beginning of the game.

Could that also affect it?.


Does anyone know now if guards attak by default when where the mask or did i do something while wearing lmk thanks.
