The TRUE 144,000 Are The 2 Witnesses! The Bride And Israel! [4 of 4]

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This concludes, I think, my study on the 144,000. Please share what the Father has revealed to you if you feel led. I believe they are being called to get into position.

Thank you for subscribing and being patient. I pray that by me sharing you are blessed.

If you do not have a personal relationship, by knowing Him, Jesus Christ/Yahshua, PLEASE seek Him now. This world is about to change and you need to be with Him. If you are not for Him, then you are against Him and will suffer His wrath. But you don't have to if you choose Him over the darkness of this world AND the FALSE light. HE ALONE is the Light of the world.

I pray blessings over all who see this video.
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I wanted to say that. If I say something about the Catholic church, I am NOT condemning followers of that faith, ie. individuals. I love all my brothers and sisters dearly. I am speaking in regards to THE ESTABLISHMENT, IE.THE VATICAN, from whence the FALSE DOCTRINE flows from. I will not speak softly in that regard, and I pray for eyes and hearts to be opened to TRUTH.

People who are raised in that faith need to know the truth.. Man's traditions are NOT Yah's ways. I uphold HIS Word and NOT man's tradition. NO man on this earth is the representative of Christ Jesus. That man died on a cross for us over 2000 years ago and is alive today. He ALONE is our mediator.

Also please forgive the tone at the beginning of the video. I was experiencing frustration and I should have prayed and grounded myself with His peace first. Please forgive me. 🙏💗


Great teaching sister. Once again, everything you said is what I've been shown too. Thank you very much.


Also when the Bible says cold or hot but the lukewarm that's in reference to The duality you either are good or you're bad there is no level to your badness there's no level to the goodness you're either good or you're bad you can't be lukewarm with one foot in and one foot out.... doesn't cut it


No coincidences! 4413 minutes long....3 make up the 144!! See chart with menorah image to understand what I mean! Didn't plan that of course




I agree with 99% dear sister, but do be careful when you comment about certain denominations etc Be sure of your facts. As I was brought up in the Catholic Church (I do realise there is a lot wrong in it) I know that Catholics believe Yashua to be the Son of God, and God Himself. Also, most do not revere Mary above Jesus. It is true, however, that many do not believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, thank you very much for your video. God blesss you, sister. 🔥
