Ο Πολυχρόνης Κουτσάκης στο TEDxChania: «Η απόρριψη είναι μία λέξη με οκτώ γράμματα»

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Ναι και Όχι. Δύο λέξεις που βρίσκονται πίσω από κάθε σταυροδρόμι στη ζωή του καθενός. Σε αντίθεση με ένα "ναι", ένα "όχι" μπορεί να είναι επώδυνο και να αφήσει ανεξίτηλα σημάδια στο χρόνο. Δεν υπάρχει καμία εγγύηση ότι το επόμενο «όχι» θα σε φέρει πιο κοντά στο «ναι» που τόσο θές να ακούσεις. Το επόμενο «όχι» μπορεί να σε φέρει πιο κοντά σε ένα άλλο «όχι», αν δεν βρεις την αιτία που σε απορρίπτουν.
Μουσική: Michael Dale
Εικονοληψία: Κινηματογραφικό Εργαστήρι Χανίων
Yes or No. Two words lying behind any significant condition in life. Contrary to a "yes", a "no" can be painful and leave indelible marks in time. There is no guarantee that the next 'no' will bring you closer to the 'yes' that you want to hear. The next 'no' can bring you closer to another 'no', unless you find the reason behind why your are being rejected.
Music Credits: Michael Dale
Video Credits: Cine Lab Chania
Polychronis Koutsakis was born in 1974 in the city of Chania, Greece. He has two jobs, which he equally loves: one has to do with research and teaching on Computer Communication Networks, and the other is writing novels and plays. He has been honored twice with the National Playwriting Award from the Greek Ministry of Culture. His theatrical works have been played and awarded in New York and other cities in America, England and Greece. He has written 16 books: 9 novels and a collection of poems issued in Greece and 6 plays, which have been published in Canada. His research work has resulted in about 100 international publications and a patent that has been licensed in the United States and acquired by Blackberry Limited Company.
Μουσική: Michael Dale
Εικονοληψία: Κινηματογραφικό Εργαστήρι Χανίων
Yes or No. Two words lying behind any significant condition in life. Contrary to a "yes", a "no" can be painful and leave indelible marks in time. There is no guarantee that the next 'no' will bring you closer to the 'yes' that you want to hear. The next 'no' can bring you closer to another 'no', unless you find the reason behind why your are being rejected.
Music Credits: Michael Dale
Video Credits: Cine Lab Chania
Polychronis Koutsakis was born in 1974 in the city of Chania, Greece. He has two jobs, which he equally loves: one has to do with research and teaching on Computer Communication Networks, and the other is writing novels and plays. He has been honored twice with the National Playwriting Award from the Greek Ministry of Culture. His theatrical works have been played and awarded in New York and other cities in America, England and Greece. He has written 16 books: 9 novels and a collection of poems issued in Greece and 6 plays, which have been published in Canada. His research work has resulted in about 100 international publications and a patent that has been licensed in the United States and acquired by Blackberry Limited Company.