Will Big Ben Bong on January 31st? (and Why That Matters) - Brexit Explains

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This week's Brexit news has been completely overwhelmed by a news story that we haven't covered yet - Big Ben's bongs. Earlier in the week, Johnson said that the government were planning a scheme where individuals could donate money towards the £500,000 cost of making Big Ben chime at the time of Brexit. In this video we discuss that cost, whether it will ever happen and what this conversation says about the future of the UK.

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Since we created this video the government announced their plans for the 31st January. The vast majority of the video is still accurate, besides my wistful speculative tone at the end. We now know the government's plans (at least some of them) so I've written an article to explain that, which is linked above - Jack


If English is not your main language (like my case): Bung means give a tip, Bob is a shilling (an old coin, worth 12 pence). So, the phrase means “Donate a shilling for Big Ben’s rings”.


You're still in the EU, hop over to the Netherlands and get a good quality Bong for your Brexit Celebrations!


I feel like this whole thing is just an elaborate ploy to have all news anchors recite tongue twisters live on air.


Next episode of Brexit: The battle to stop the SNP from hacking the Big Ben and playing Scotland the Brave.


This is the most british controvercy i have ever seen.


Why doesn't BoJo just climb the tower with a bell in each hand and get stuck on a zip line?


Hearing JRM say "bunging a bob for the Big Ben bongs" is surprisingly hilarious.


I’m British and it took me a few reads but I think I understand “Bung a Bob For Big Ben Bongs”. 🇬🇧🇪🇺

For the international viewers:

Bung = Throw or chuck
Bob = Money
Big Ben is the name of the bell
Bongs = Chimes

In other words, “Donate a bit of money for Big Ben to chime”.

Hope this helps. 😁


Love him or loath him, you have to hand it to Boris: he really knows how to use the English language in an imaginative, entertaining way that appeals to people of all backgrounds.


Solution: Rig up speakers inside the tower with a recording of Big Ben bonging. Might not carry quite as far, but since the BBC will be broadcasting it anyway, it doesn't have to. Helluva lot cheaper, and the workers could probably still work around it.


Fun fact: The new clock dials for Big Ben are made by German glass factory Lamberts. It's nice to see that the UK trusts a German company to deliver crucial parts to one of the most iconic British buildings.


As an American I find it ironic that some British people want to celebrate sovereignty and freedom especially since you've had that this entire time. Your people voted to leave the EU you didn't have to fight a war for it.


How about a crowdfunder to hire more nurses and doctors? Or one to build more homes for the homeless? Standard Tory priorities.


It astounds me that anyone gives a toss


31st January 10.59 PM:

Brexiteers: "Wooo sovereignty!!!... Freedom!... Yaaayysss!"

*Big Ben doesn't bong, some people cheer and the clock now says 11.01 PM.*

Brexiteer A: "So did Brexit happen?"
Brexiteer B: "It sure did!... Don't you feel it?! No more EU red tape, no more giving away what is ours! Our fish our all!... 350 million for the NHS! 50.000 new nurses... All the good stuff! A Golden Age has come!"
Brexiteer A: "Huh... I don't feel different however."
Brexiteer C: "Ah mate, it takes time you know!"
Brexiteer A: "Time?! We been on this for four years B!... FOUR YEARS... I want it now!"
Brexiteer C: "Well... ya can't, I mean, we can. But you know. Regulations, parliament needs to vote on a lot of stuff now… We got into the transition period…"
Brexiteer A: "The what?!… No no no… we left, we aren't stuck anymore!"
Brexiteer D: "... About that…"


Britain and the British have lost the plot. RIP UK


Will my Big Bong bang for buck?

I absolutely would.


As a remainer, if people want to pay half a million of their own money to ring a bell, I say go ahead. Have fun. As long as it's not my money


You might think the patriotic might donate their spare bob or two to help the homeless Brits on the streets this cold winter, rather than paying for a ringtone. I guess is just like after the Natre Dame fire when all the donations came out... "this money is for our stuff... not our people"
