3 Things I'd Tell My 20-Something Self

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I'm 20 and I'm scared as fuck


I am 34 now and I am so happy that during my 20s I went and try so many different things to figure myself out. I went through 20+ different jobs and different school programs. I was afraid many time, but I am so glad I did it anyways to find out who I am really are.


I'm 22 I constantly watch videos on self improvement. And the one thing I've learned is that we always think we know until we look back, and we think we know now. Everyone should strive to constantly become a better person and everyone has an ego so if you don't keep that in check yull never change no matter your age. That's what drowns people my age at the moment the inability to find self awareness over social awareness. A step into the mind of a 22 year old.


I still am *a 20-something*
and the biggest realization that became the key to everything for me
is the importance of Empathy..
Whether in Design, your relationships with others, Politics, Sales, etc...


I struggle with this daily. I am just about to hit 30 and I feel like I regret my education and paths I take. Mainly due to job losses and just not KNOWING what I want to do.


im 21 year old, thank you for sharing your deepest advice :)


I just turned 20.. I plan on continuing my education, increasing my knowledge and bettering my self physically, mentally and emotionally.. until then I'm not focused on a relationship, friends, going out to parties, going to the beach nothing that doesn't benefit me... some people might think I'm wasting my young adulthood, but I'd rather eat alone than break bread with snakes.. not doing this for money or success but exactly like this man said "self knowledge and self mastery"


Great video, Jonathan! But I would add a consistent call to action. I think many 20-somethings spend their time having fun and doing things they enjoy rather than doing the hard work of taking action in different directions and constantly readjusting their focus. So I would adjust your "don't focus" idea to "strategically change your focus to discover the answer to these questions." Because many of us wait until "we know" to take action, but waiting won't tell you anything. Only by taking action will you discover what lessons can be learned from that experience.


As you say, better late than never! It took a disaster in my middle-aged life to prod me into understanding myself. I hope that all the youngsters watching this make good use of it.


I am grateful to have lived all of my 20s during a time when there was no such thing as a smart phone or personal computer. Night and day, man...and grateful.


I"m in my 40's and have suffered from c-ptsd all my life and haven't achieved much. I would say do more things don't fear as much relax have fun, love myself and have more tenacity and spontaneous like you were when you were 11. Travel more. Don't go to Uni but go to night classes and do many different kinds of classes explore who you are. Don't fear rejection. Be kind to yourself you have had 20 years of trauma you deserve to love yourself and be loved. Search for the right therapist take your time to find one that actually helps you one more creative and nice and guide you to heal. Be more of a Yes Man! Do things you enjoy. Go into Nature more :-)


this puts my mind at ease a bit because im turning 22 tomorrow and i am worried that by the time i find my place in the world that ill already be behind other people in my field. i explore a lot of different interests so i definitely think 17-27 is a time where you just need to explore and find yourself. dont get into something you dont enjoy just because of money because you will lose the time in your life when you have the most freedom to change


I'm 27 and the only thing that stops me from feeling good about my life is constant comparing to other people. Fuck that, man. There are no rules on how to live a life. We grow and we learn and no one actually knows what's the best. Never judge yourself or be hard on yourself, just follow your heart and be confident. You can do anything. :)


21, dont really care about money, mostly care about experiencies and and meaningful relationships


*1. who am i(?).*
*2. what matters to me(?).*
*3. what am i good at, or capable of getting good at(?).*

i still don't know at 50 yrs old, i just go with the flow, unconsciously guided frm the spirit world (just recently have understood that through life), every since i was little, and i have the best helper frm the spirit world, i feel so being taking cared of/guided, for sure!!!, i'm so lucky at that!!!, i'm so tankful!!! :(, i couldn't do with out the helper!. everything that has happening to me has been good, even though some so called "bad" outcome - the helper led me to good things, and still does!. i wish the same for you!...


I'm 25, is it okay to feel that you're a person who follows directions. I feel like this is me. I'm good at following rules, but some people keep saying that is not a good thing, and I really really feel that this is me.


At 27 I've realized I'm not good at anything and I have no passions. Guess I'm screwed.


I appreciate the insights. I'm 29, feel like I have learned a lot about myself, what I like and what i'm capable of being good at. But because of my time these things out, I have holes in my resume, minimal work experience and am overlooked and under qualified for the things I would like to pursue


It depends on your goal/how you feel about said goal(s). If you're sure of what you want to do and truly enjoy it, then it's good to focus on that solely, if not then keep your mind open.


I am 24 now. I really found this to be helpful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I think it not only helped me, but helped others as well!
