r/AmITheAhole - She DENIED My Allergy Existed

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r/AmITheAhole - She DENIED My Allergy Existed
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Ugh, the co worker trying to feed the OP reminds me so much of an experience from high school. I was crying a bit from something I now forgot, and got a teacher after me trying to figure out why I was crying. Which only made me more emotional, and so I tried to isolate myself until I was presentable and calmer. He followed me right into the bathroom and kept escalating. Calling other teachers, demanding I give him my bag. Even shoving him away when he made a grab for it. I even spotted the principle coming into the bathroom. It didn't end until I was running out the school without the stupid bag screaming "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!". And finally get the isolation I was looking for with a long walk.

Best of intentions doesn't excuse overbearing behavior, even when entire cliques do it. I had liked and respected that teacher until that incident too. And one of many reasons I try to forget high scool memories.


A person can be allergic to just about anything. I'm allergic to maple, weed, different kinds of tree and flower pollen. I also have an allergic skin reaction to wool.

There are people who are allergic to sunlight, water, and have allergic skin reactions to extreme temperatures.


OP of the title story needs to now report *her boss* to HR, because that kind of toxic, manipulative bullshit is just *begging* for somebody to file a lawsuit against the entire company. I wouldn't be surprised to find out OP's boss was a diagnosed narcissist.


I'm 51 almost 52. We didn't have gender reveal. This is fairly new thing. I don't know how this came about or why. We just told people what we were having boy or girl. I felt it made it easier for baby showers and gift for baby. We put our money into furniture and all the things I would need for our children and myself prior to the birth. Before anyone says any thing about using stuff for myself. I'll explain, nursing pads, pads, lotions and potions for healing including lanolin for my boobs, as I nursed all 3 of my kids. Nursing pillow, breast pump. My 1st was a premie, 6 weeks early and a c section. My 2nd came 4 years later. So I had to buy every thing all over again except crib. 3rd came 18 months later. Had to buy another crib. She was not expected so early. Thought we had another year atleast. Ugh I see a p@*@> and get pregnant very fertile. Any way I needed those thing a some other stuff so the first 3 months were easier.. my 2nd was colicky to so for 4 months was very tiring and I'm so greatful for my mil at that time.. anyway we didn't think like that back then. If there was a party beside babysitter it was just a get together before little ones were born as for the first few months especially a new mom we don't want anyone around the baby. Illness can kill a new born. The only away to protect baby was keeping visitors at distance and or breastfeeding, our milk kept baby from getting all kinds of stuff due to the moms immunity to many viruses and some bacterial infections. Plus baby's don't have any Vax shi except hepatitis right away then polio, tetanus dip, chicken pox mmr ( measles mumps and rubella). So, e don't agree with Vax, well I do. I didn't want my children going through any of those illnesses. And imo God gave us brains to use, those who had the brains made medicines to help keep man kind healthy. So as far as ik concerned God would be pretty upset if I didn't protect my kids to the best of my ability. What they should do is make something to keep people from getting Mono, that disease sucks along with the 5th disease also known as slapped cheeks. I never had as a kid and ended up with it at the same time I got Mono. My oldest came home with Mono qnd that went through the house qnd when I got that my youngest came home with the 5th disease. So I qnd my youngest basically took over the living room. Let me tell you 30 yr with the 5th disease is bot fun. Your joints swell up, run a high fever is just awful then the Mono just tired. Again I Thank my mother in law, my mom couldn't help as she had cancer at that time and going through the chemo. My husband at the time wasn't such a big help until I laid into him. Any way life is fun with kids but expect to get sick with things you never had. They ate peetree dishes at best. I do love my kids though. All adults and doing great.


Title Story: If OP is working in a hospital, they're probably unionized. If there is no union, then OP needs to lodge a complaint with the local labor board for hostile workplace. Plus as someone already commented..."anything HR did AFTER OP said it was settled is on HR...NOT OP.


Aww. Grandpa is super supportive and READY TO


In the title story, everything that happened after OP said to HR "The matter is settled" is on HR, not OP.
A guy I knew went to HR on a sensitive matter. The HR rep then sent a meeting request to my friend- to his Outlook calendar, which was shared with everybody else in the office. And the HR rep actually put what the matter was about in the meeting title! Yeah, my friend got passed over for every promotion and transfer after that. But somehow, that wasn't retaliation according to HR.


Office story: What a rotten company! OP needs to lawyer up against them or something!
Last story: OP needs to divorce his nutty wife.


The first story. If peg brought in salads for a over weight co worker and made comments on obesity would posters boss and co workers react the same way? A person's diet is extremely personal and being underweight is as difficult as being over weight. I would look for another job and take legal action.


**builds a cross** How are we going to get Zach onto this? I mean are we going to strong arm him onto it or tricking him with cake?


when my cousin came out. I didnt find out till maybe a few years later. Only found out when it was mentioned in passing when they were visiting out of state (he wasnt seeing anyone). this was before social media and I rarely saw him.


Last story: A bet is a bet. The one who lives should honor it... And the friend's family is expecting it. So OP is not the a-hole.


The first story is very old. I remember hearing it years ago on a different channel.


Just another case of there's no such thing as skinny shaming so those weren't actually insults kinda that stupid fat logic I guess in having a suspicion that the boss and coworker are fat and might be in the fat logic movement hence the insults not counting and the trying to feed op


Good morning, Captain Zach! Wishing you a joyful weekend! ❤️🤗


If she'd just explained her health problems to peg everything would have been ok


Listened to most of the stories before. Completely agree on the comments made for the last story.

As I'm typing, it looks like I'm second to comment fastest I have ever been able to.


That joke was bad an you should feel bad!


Are ALL of these stories old?? I've heard the first 2 multiple times over the last few years.... Hope the other stories are new....


On the second story is Peg, a mind reader? You say you have food allergies. How is someone supposed to know that. If you don't say something. I did not recall you saying anything about it. Just you being polite and taking the food. Then, for your protection, you run to HR. Blinding everyone in the office. Causing the picking of sides. So if that is how it went down, then yes, YATAO.
