Nerevarine(Chim) Vs Last dragonborn(Lore) #whoisstrongest #shorts #elderscrolls

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People here giving the dragon born the win, nerevarine is the only character with a canonically explain why you can quicksave punch somebody and reload if you don’t like the consequences


Nerevarine isn't a skooma smoking argonian? NOT MY NEREVAR


Durability: dragon born. Here’s why. Alduin the world eater is going to go eat every world. How many is that? Infinite. Which means alduin’s power is infinite. Now if you get hit by someone with infinite power you have been hit by infinity. The Dragonborn with his scale armour and iron hat just sits there, getting his with infinity going “I can probably trade punches with that” then does.


Chim is literally achieving God hood whole reason talos exists


Nerevarine is basically the incarnation of a god, while the dragonborn is blessed with the soul of a dragon (or might be a part of akatosh himself idk). The fact the dragonborn can give the nerevarine a run for his money speaks mountains of their power. Cuz OH BOY the nerevarine is busted


People tend to forget that Alduin scales above the strongest Daedric Princes, and The Daedric Princes scales above the Divines, and CHIM puts you in a similar position to the Divines, Talos being the prime example, and TLDB beat Alduin. TLDB at his peak scales over CHIM users.


Okay so the last Dragonborn absolutely destroys most other characters I’ve seen on these lists like Goku and shit, but chim is a whole other thing lmfao. You’re basically against a guy who’s dreaming and knows he’s dreaming.


We all want to see heroes battle each other, we want to know who is the strongest. But we don't want to see them in one team facing the strongest evil. This damn courier that can find you even in goddamn Sovngarde!


CHIM lets you open console commands and type ‘kill’


Everyone kinda forgets the guy who only destined to guide the last son of Uriel Septim and turned himself into a Champion of the Nines before retiring from his usual stuff just to become the new Madgod.


bro chim is the most powerful state in the universe, they're both chim/prisoners. Tie bro...


Almost 90% of these comments have never played morrowind or read the lore


Lol not even close TLD picked up keening with bare hands something nevevar or dagoth it or vivec can't do without the gauntlet


I'm here to remind everyone that chim itself as a concept is not in actual elder scrolls lore only mentioned once and only was given all those op abilities by Michael k. When he left Bethesda so technically speaking chim is mostly a fan concept.


Just looking at the possible shouts you can use like ones that let you slow time, attack faster, damage someone's soul, mind control people and dragons, shout different elements, summon lightning and meteor hail, disarm enemies, dash across the landscape, wear ethereal dragon armor that buffs your shouts and if we also consider feats like beating Miraak who split Solstheim off from the mainland with his voice and fought and killed many dragons who's corpses are all around his temple or beating a god of time who eats the universe and btfos other deities who have to literally flee from him every time (he's probably not at full power though) and the statement from Clavicus Vile that you are nearly as strong as he is (he wasn't at full power but still) the Dragonborn is in the same tier as some gods.
The Neravarine also beats some “gods” (with help) and with Chim is theoretically capable of some reality-warping stuff like what Talos did, but the limitations are unclear and Chim doesn't seem as crazy as some speculate it to be. Honestly, the Dragonborn has a more versatile tool kit and defeats stronger enemies of a more cosmic scope. I don't really know a lot about Kirkbrides out of game stuff so there might be some crazy Neravarine feats that would change things but I think the Dragonborn mid to high diffs.


I love how this is literally "A guy with the soul of a dragon vs A literal god"

CHIM is too powerful to just make vs videos with people who haven't achieved it


*laughs in my headcanon of my dragonborn and my neravarine being the same person*


battle IQ? neravarine is the reincarnation of the chimer general that United the houses and defeated the dwarves
weapons? keening and sunder with wraithguard, the tools to manipulate or destroy the heart of lorkhan.
I get that he still won but I can't agree with alot of the points


Nerevarine dosent have chim. only two beings in elderscrolls cannon ever had such power talos and vivic. when we are talking power levels dovahkiin is on a whole nother scale. Nerevar can reincarnate endlessly however. so wile dovahkiin has the ultimate power cheat code nerevar has infinit respawn cheat code.


Champion of Cyrodill is likely the strongest protagonist because canonically they become sheogorath, the most powerful daedric prince. Only person that could beat him would likely be the dragonborn if the theory that they are Shor is correct.
