Best DAW For Songwriters | What Is The Best Software For Music Production in 2021?

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The enteral question: what is the best DAW? The answer is incredibly subjective and depends on what you want to get out of your software. Luckily, I have had a long indecisive relationship with a lot of Digital Audio Workstations. If you're a songwriter, a music producer, or just plain curious, I think I can help find the perfect DAW for you.

Intro: (0:00)
Logic Pro X: (1:45)
Ableton Live 11: (3:24)
Pro Tools: (5:50)
FL Studio: (8:07)
Bonus Picks: (10:42)
Outro: (12:10)

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#MusicProduction #DAW #Songwriter #Musician #Producer #MusicProducer #Schmorgle #Informative #Ableton #Logic #ProTools #FLStudio #GarageBand #FLIP
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I like your statement " Use whatever you got! Limitations spawn creativity"


I started with GarageBand then switched to LogicPro. It was a very smooth transition!


I stick to LOGIC for mixing. I bought it in 2014 and it still works well with my IMac 2014 . I will be upgrading for the M1 later on. Im glad I converted to Apple because I never dealt with these virus protection programs which seemed to slow my PC . and with Apple, it just updates itself and it's free. RENOISE is where I produce however.


I've only ever messed with FL, until I decided to get a tad more serious. So kinda hard to say.

When I see folks working with Ableton, I do get a sense of focus that FL lacks. But it does allow you to do pretty much whatever, and anybody can jump right in and start messing around.

Now that it's got pretty colors, I may not be the man I thought I was, but it looks pweddy. And that's surprisingly pleasant.


I’ve never had to pay for Logic updates.


12:13 OMG YESSS. I've heard too many people say "it's all too expensive and the free ones suck" when they're starting music production. I haven't spent a single penny on music production and am more than happy with what I've got sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Point is, please start with whatever you have, because you aren't going to start amazing anyway


I wholeheartedly agree with the statement, "Limitations spawn creativity." That's something Stravinsky used to emphasize. However, I found another principle is even more important for me: "Anger kills creativity." That's why I'm looking to get off Logic Pro. In my experience, Logic Pro doesn't have creativity-spurring limitations; for my work flow; it has bizarre design decisions, endless bugs that pop up unpredictably, and weirdness generally that can knock me out of the zone instantly.

Countless times I've had an inspiration but when I try to get it recorded in Logic, I run into some unexpected weirdness. I try not to allow my frustration to kill the creative flow, but that's easier said than done.

Also, my training is in math and computer programming, so I have a special reverence for logic (with a lower case l). It really offends me that they chose that name for an application that is so ineptly architected underpowered, and aesthetically grotesque. It would really richly deserve to be called "Illogic". If I had only one wish for the future of Logic, it would be that they change the name to something more appropriate.

Probably because of its low quality, Apple had to reduce Logic to a rather low price, but even at $200, I'd be very cautious recommending Logic Pro to anyone.

Sadly, my favorite DAW was Cakewalk Sonar back when I used Windows, but it never made it to Mac, and the company eventually went kaput.

Ableton is another German company, so I'm wary of it, I suppose my next stops are FL Studio, Pro Tools, and Ardour.


Don’t forget the Live Loop functionality in Logic Pro 10.6. It’s pretty awesome


I wish Logic Pro was on PC D': It's what I'm the most used to. I love the routing (COLLAPSIBLE FOLDERS), I love the GUI, and zooming around on it with a trackpad just feels natural. The fact that it comes equipped with soooo many MIDI instrument options right off the bat also makes it perfect for people that just want to start composing stuff by MIDI sequencing right away without worrying about hunting down third-party plugins. That's why I agree it's probably the best DAW for creative songwriting. Just sucks that it's exclusive to Apple.

Might as well just play around with Ableton more, though, because I really need something I can use on PC as well in case I ever decide to stick to one OS for one reason or other. Ableton's song view really confused me the first time I made something with it, but I was fine as long as I stuck with the arrangement view.


This was wonderful coverage. I’d also throw Reaper into the ring. It’s super powerful and easy to figure out and they have an unlimited, full feature evaluation period, some pretty decent built in VST and of everything I’ve tried on both PC and Mac, the easiest third party VST/VSTi onboarding. (Idk if that’s the right word, idk what I’m doing)

But this does make me want to go back and play around in Ableton again 🤩


I see this video is two years old so I'm not sure if it has changed since then because I've only been using Ableton Live starting this year but I was a little confused because you can build whole drum parts with the drum rack in Ableton Live as well.


This video brought me to your "Deep Dive into For the King" video. Very inspirational. And you're a good story teller. Glad I found your channel!


I started with Cubase and now I'm using Reason. I really want to try Ableton Live, since I want to try my hand at more electronic sounds. FL studio sounded interesting too. Thanks for the video, informative and funny 👌


I use FL because it's so fast to write some ideas... I combine it with Cubase for mixing and audiowork :)


I use Samplitude and I wonder why in these 'best daws' videos nobody ever mentions it. I used Cubase VST for 10 years from 1998 and it is still my favourite, I've demoed the new Cubase and most Daws( not Apple ones) but just don't like them as much so will stick with Samplitude. However, I wish there was a way of making my old Cubase VST work on windows 11!! I mainly record guitars and vocals with some midi drums, so don't need many VSTi's though s Samplitude seems to have plenty.


Persons Studio one 6 - Cubase - Harrison Mixbus - Reaper To name a few


I am an FL user. It is my first DAW, but I had to use pro tools for uni. Coming from FL made it seem so simple to me compared to pro tools. So I guess to answer your question, FL took me a while to learn even as a newbie to DAWs, but it seems so simple compared to others when/if you decide to change. Hope that helps...


I have used Logic, Cakewalk, Live and Bitwig. I think they are all very good, but I still ordered Cubase 12 last week...


Hey man, great content! A little understated and very approachable. No force feeding, good pace and crystal clear candor. Are you on IG?


Can you make a video only talking everyrhing about Sony DAW?
