Hereditary angioedema (HAE) VS allergic angioedema - Facial swelling, Difficulty Breathing

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Just had an episode of angioedema in the ER I was working the triage desk noticed a man come in with swollen lips and eyes. His swelling immediately began to exacerbate. By the time I brought him back and called for the doctor, he was not able to speak, so immediate intubation was needed. Grab the RS I kit to intubate. I did notice urticaria around the groin area . Successful intubation, but barely she did give him epi, solu and benedryl along with Versed for the intubation. She was not sure what type it was as we had no hx


I was told by my immunologist that I have both reactive as well as hereditary angioedema. I had a blood test for allergies and discovered I have a low to medium level reaction to everything.
My question is; what tests do I need to ask for to check for HAE? I do have some history. My grandfather died from dropsy. I'd like to have tests to confirm the diagnosis if that was possible.


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Hello sir i have lip swelling from chronic time around 6 month I'll take all the medicines alredy but it is not cure ill consult 3, 4 dr and ill already done allergy test blood test all test are normal now i don't understand whatt ill do next


My husband suffers from a type of angioedema. and allergies, so it’s hard to figure which type he actually has. His lip, wrist, bottom of feet, forearm and eyelids tend to swell simultaneously...


I wad diagnosed with angioedema, but I don't swell, it's just a rash all over my body, but no swelling


Does this mean that if I take steroids (nose) and antihistamines in general because of allergies, the HAE conditions may worsen?


What happened if you give antihistamines for HAE? My daughter had an attack yesterday, we are still not sure diagnosis but dr. leaning toward angioedema, having said that, we gave her benadryl and swelling got worst.
