Find the inverse of tanh(x) and coth(x) in logarithmic form

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What is the inverse of the hyperbolic tangent and hyperbolic cotangent functions as a logarithmic function.
First we use the exponential interpretation of the sinh and cosh function to make the tanh and the reciprocal creates the coth
Then use t=e^x substitution
The rest is all algebra and just checking for x is positive values
First we use the exponential interpretation of the sinh and cosh function to make the tanh and the reciprocal creates the coth
Then use t=e^x substitution
The rest is all algebra and just checking for x is positive values
Inverse tanh(x)
Finding the inverse of tanh x
Inverse function of tanh x
Find the inverse of tanh(x) and coth(x) in logarithmic form
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