Are Psychopaths Dangerous Social Predators? A Closer Look at the Evidence | Rasmus Larsen | TEDxUofT

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Psychopathic offenders – or "psychopaths" – are believed to be dangerous social predators, utterly incapable of pro-social behaviour. Once diagnosed as a psychopath, a person is likely to be managed differently in the criminal justice system, such as being placed in high-risk institutions, denied parole, and given non-lenient sentences. But are psychopaths really such dangerous social predators in need of extra-diligent control? In this talk, Dr. Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen presents recent research, which he believes should prompt use to rethink the use of psychopathy assessments in the criminal justice system.

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An interesting study. I actually think most psychopaths aren't violent, at least not the intelligent ones. There are other ways to get what you want, violence is just the most immediate/risky. Psychopaths think in logical terms. They don't have that emotional feeling behind their choices. For instance he asks the question would you break the law to save someone? Well, the answer is simple. Do they know that person? Is it worth the risk or is it just some random person. In a psychopaths minds they weigh the risks vs the rewards. If the risks are low chances are they will do it. If not, they probably won't. You then factor in hard morals. Are they willing to kill? If not they can use manipulation, bribary, coercion. It takes more time, but the risks are lower. This is probably why you find more psychopaths doing blue collar crimes than cold blooded murder.


A cool idea for a scifi novel would be: Humans create AI to detect psychopaths and to wipe them out. AI becomes too powerful and threatens mankind. Psychopaths are the only hope to lead mankind in a war against AI.


I think one thing the pclr is missing is the roll of PTSD contributing to disgust and finally self-justification as a moral obligation. Do psychopaths lack empathy? Maybe in some respects but in others empathy is the reason for callous action directed broadly.


conscience is more about lack of remorse than lack of empathy and to top it off, remorse can be faked superficially
and the ability to recognize emotion doesn't equate to "empathy", the ability to FEEL another's emotion is empathy
like in the book without conscience, they know the words but they dont hear the music
about moral judgement, it would probably worked better if the scenario described had benefit to the person at the cost of harm to another.. but even to that, psychopaths would easily lie with words.. so the scenarios would have to be deemed real to elicit real results


He talks about this extensive study he did on cases relating to psychopaths to get a better idea about them, but only studies cases of imprisoned psychopaths ?? Good job, what about all those psychopaths who are abusive in many ways to others and are smart/ calculated enough to not end up in jail... ??


Being a psychopath does not, in and of itself, make you a terrible person.


Because some psychopaths get abused and grow up in a bad childhood, they become gruesome murderers and they ruin the public image of all the "normal" psychopaths who have normal lives. And the latter don't fight back on the bad public image, because the one half doesn't know they're psychopaths and the other half doesn't care, because psychopaths don't care about anything. That's quite tragic, come to think of it.


It's interesting that some children's frontal lobes develop normally and some don't. Nurture or neglect in infancy is something I would like to look into more. Also are the traits more common in people from damaged homes.


The experiment should be performed again while following them closely and those involved in their lives. Post-prison, a psychopath simply gets better at hiding crime and becomes more violent in his personal life to thwart those who would turn him in. While this video started out as a reasonable judgement of psychopathy, it became an incorrect defense of psychopathy. There is abundant evidence that psychopaths do not benefit from therapy, learn to work around the system, and have higher rates of domestic violence as a result. When an evidence-based PCL-R concludes a person is a psychopath, that in itself is judgement enough. Take the PCL-R for yourself (assuming you are of right mind) and you will discover a score probably in the low single digits. Now look over the questions and imagine what a person must be inside of themselves to justify the actions that would create a score in excess of 30 (close to 40 in a lot of cases). As yourself - is this someone who has a “conscience”? Dr. Robert Hare created an outstanding test which focuses specifically on those predicting factors that mark someone as being far outside the normal social constructs. These are predators in our society and should be treated as such. There is so much more damage caused by these individuals that is not measured by simply entering or leaving the prison system.


That was interesting. I can say, which is rare for me, that what he said about psychopaths is a complete and total load of tosh. Now that’s not a professional opinion, I’m a scientist not a pseudoscientist. However, I have spent my entire life with people of psychopathic personality. I can tell you from my vast experience that they are very different from other people and not all are serial killers (yes I know a few of those to). There’s a world of difference between study and actual experience.


Aren't they finding genetic links among anti-social personality types?


(I got a question could they still kill without hesitation)


what are some good places where to avoid psychopath? to meet good people


The know right from wrong as well.
They have a consience perfectly.
They choose wrong. They are sane and completely responsible for their actions.


Impossible. The opposite of a human being
Is a psychopath. 20 yr psychopath expert.


everyone is a psychopath til their car gets vandalized.


And this whole defence speech, makes me think that the speaker here, is one himself...

Just being honest.


Why can you see this guy couldn't stop from laughing if it wasn't for giving this serious type of talk? Even if this wasn't opposite everything I've read, I wouldn't believe a word this guy came up with on this subject.

~13:35 & 14:30: He can barely stop himself from grinning


He was a psychopath.but I wish it would be emphasized most psychopath are ceo or attorneys, most of them aren’t serial killers so I feel it would be more relatable that people understand they’re more likely to encounter a psychopath in a work setting or a or partner etc than a serial killer


There's to many contradictions to take this seriously. They are basically arguing against one person's opinion (the person that wrote the book) against other people's opinions. This is classically giving attention to authority! If he wears a doctors outfit he knows all (apparently)
