Joie i-Spin Safe™ Car Seat Installation | i-Size & Plus Tested Rear-Facing Car Seat

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Wahoo! You've purchased the i-Spin Safe™, and now you need to know how to install your new car seat!

0:20 - 0:43 - i-Spin Safe product usage
0:44 - 1:29 - load leg and ISOFIX installation
1:30 - 1:55 - harness and buckle
1:56 - 2:33 - load and secure child

The i-Spin Safe™ is a twice tested and twice proven i-Size and Plus Tested spinning seat that rides rearward only, all the way up to 18.5 kg and approx. 4 years. Transporting all the compactness and convenience you crave along with the world’s highest safety standards and every parent’s favourite spins-to-you feature.


Hi, we're Joie (pronounced JOY) 👋 We're a family-first kind of company, driven by the simple joys of childhood. To us, it's all about being together, whether out and about, on the road, or cosy at home and around the table. Our products will show you time and again that we understand the importance of making life so much easier and more enjoyable for you and your family! We invite you to experience our safe and practical collection of car seats, pushchairs, high chairs, soothers, and travel cots!
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Thanks for making the video short and to the point 👍


Our buckle tongues look different and don’t really fit easily into the side loops, 1:41


Does Joie have maintenance service in Finland?


I still don't get it how this type of rear facing seat can be safe up to 4 years of age while the kid in the video rests her feet on the car's backrest and her knees are bent. These seats provide awfully little leg room.


Do the dimensions width include the side impact bars whne extended?
