Life Of A School Teacher

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Life of a School Teacher is an animated video about a new teacher in school. When he was young, he faced a lack of opportunities. Instead of giving up, he chose to join the education system to become better than his teachers. It becomes evident that the privileges in first-world countries are seen as an inconvenience by some.
We were told that we would inspire greatness in youth, but instead, they are asking us what car we drive.



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Are you feeling like you're gradually losing the passion you once had?
What can rekindle it?

I've been thinking about this as we approach a 1 million subscribers, and now I'm not sure what direction to take. I have a humorous idea for the next video (The video won't be funny, but the purpose of its creation will be). If we reach 1 million subs before releasing it, it could be a fascinating experiment. Many YouTubers and influencers wouldn't dare to do this, knowing their audience well. They're focused on maximizing every gain and minimizing every loss. That's why this could be intriguing, and the reaction might be quite amusing. Someone might ask, "Why do this instead of just telling people what they want to hear?" And they'd have a point. The YouTube community is full of such cautious individuals. Sometimes, I think they're like AI that has been operating for a while, and now we all have access to this technology. This post is probably too long, and most people have likely stopped reading by now, but that's okay. If you've noticed, there's a subtle hint here (in the thumbnail). I'm curious to see the comments. There's also a misunderstanding about the name of this channel. If you look closely at how it's written, it might be a mind blowing revelation for you.


genuinely feel sad for my teachers, they try, but my class is full of clowns


The mask breaking from the child's face unironically made me emotional, it's like a small glimmer of hope to see at least some sort of passion coming from people.


08:19 the teacher playing viking with a broom and a made up shield is quite heartbreaking. He is passionate about his work, and tries to make it as entertaining as possible for his students, but they don't evnt care.
But this one kid at the end asking him questions about the lesson is a good glimpse of hope. It's just two history nerds meeting each others, and it's great.


As a teacher, I can tell you that you are educating in spite of the system, not because of it. You were hired to be a replaceable cog whose purpose is to serve the needs of administrators, not the needs of the children. The image everyone has is that it's the kids who are the problem, but if administrations were worth anything even the worst kids wouldn't be a factor. The best teachers are basically undercover agents who sneak into the NPC factory every day to help where they can. At most, you might have a positive impact on 5% to 10% of the kids that come through. I have personally found that to be worth it, but I still encourage homeschooling. My wife homeschools our kids and they're better off for it.


As a teacher, it's even worse than that, when I'm not telling them to pay attention, asking them if they have any doubts and seeing them having doubts but preferring to keep talking with others students, and being one of the few teachers who aren't just giving grades to students, actually trying make them study, everyday I'm breaking a little bit more inside. When I think that I went 6 years in uni for this, i can't even describe the feeling


As a teacher I am amazed how accurate this video is - you choose this profession because you think you can make a change, inspire, motivate, but the more you work and see people who don't care, the more burnout you feel


All the kids having broccoli hair cracked me up.


There is no teacher shortage. There's a shortage of respect and proper compensation for teachers.


I worked as a teacher in the late 2000s. When a kid in 5th grade misbehaved, and decided to lay on top of his desk, I approached him, pciked him up by the front of his shirt, lifted him off the desk, and sat him back in the chair, all the while reading from the textbook to the class. Nobody in that class misbehaved again.


This crumbling mask at the end is freakin' powerful and a bit touching.


8:48 That last boy turning from npc to human give him the glimpse of hope he needed👼😁


8:57 That part with the student retaining his individuality was heartwarming.
As a teacher It tears at my heart every day when most students show zero interest in something you genuinely care about in teaching them for the future.


2:23 this fucking hairsytle. It is a character at this point.


Something I learned from working as a teacher is. Don't give a f**k about anything but enjoy your class yourself. If you do, maybe they will get touched by your passion and follow you, or not, but you will actually enjoy your work by teaching and being passionate about it.


the great teacher onizuka refference at 3:00 is crazy


"How do you plan on teaching others when you're struggling yourself?" You can. I'm a teacher, a math and physics teacher and back in school my ghrades were so bad in math they almost kicked me out of school tho I got better and in last grade at last math exam I got 199/200 point.


My mom was a teacher her whole life, it only got bad since corona. Kids don't try to pay attention anymore, all they do is wait until they can get to their phones or laptop to watch tiktok or play games. They use chatgpt for their assignments. Depressing.


9:00 The so forgotten, connection with teacher and student.


"I told her
'Sophia, all the guys are staring at you'
and she just smirked at me."

lol. That's what she wanted.
