Eric Weinstein: 'I am TERRIFIED of this Man!”

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Watch Episode 1945 of the Joe Rogan Experience:

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I just shouted "Edward Witten" three times and Neil deGrasse Tyson burst through my wall like the Kool-aid Man and tackled me.


One of the things that a lot of people don't understand about the research, scientific, and academic world is that there's a lot of groupthink, intimidation, silencing, and general control of the direction of the work. You would think this wouldn't be the case since the whole purpose of those professions is to open up debate and different directions of research. In reality, a lot of debate is shut down. Some of these people in the "high-brow" area don't want real challenge and debate. They've invested their lives into their work, and they don't want it to be for naught, even if it's wrong. There's huge amounts of money and prestige involved. Since they're "intellectual titans, " they control the inner circle in various ways. As Eric said, you just get labeled as a quack, conspiracy theorist, or low-brow scientist if you challenge these sacred cows.


I wish I knew what he was talking about.


I once met Hermann Bondi. He came and spoke at our school. I asked him why light, if it had mass, did not have infinite mass. I did not understand his answer.


Full marks to Joe for having this conversation and trying to keep up like most of us who don't study this kind of stuff.


This was a great episode while not having a clue about any of it.


Lee Smolin, in his book The Trouble with Physics, talks about this problem, how departments and investigators won't get any funding if they go against string theory.


Eric was one of the first in the most vociferous critics of string theory and the other fascinating but fruitless mathematical models of quantum gravity, but fortunately he's not the only one. I knew some young physicists as far back as the 1990s that were deciding not to go into string theory because they thought it was a bottomless pit. Unfortunately it sucked a lot of the intellectual life out of the field. I think Eric is right but you have to acknowledge the possibility that the string theories might still be right just extremely hard to figure out properly and test experimentally. This is a fundamental question in science, when do you abandon idea because it's just too hard to work with rather than the easy case that it's failed


I did not go into quantum physics because I lacked the math skills. Now, after watching this video, I am glad I stuck to biology. Now all I have to do is define what woman is. 😉


My grandfather taught physics, mathematics and electrical engineering at the Naval Academy and we had many interesting discussions about thinking outside the box. He told me to think of the box of knowledge as a prison I needed to break out of and that was the only way to advance. It's always what you think is impossible today that you will be doing tomorrow when you make the jailbreak! Eric's my internet hero and the answer to gravity lies at his and others like him feet.


What I like about Joe is even when he doesn't understand a topic (here, he's obviously not a physicist), he still forms and asks penetrating questions, which draw out the information from the guest, who makes it simple and understandable to the average viewer, me and you. Joe is brilliant at doing this.


Edward Witten is an American mathematical physicist who was born on August 26, 1951 in Baltimore, Maryland. He is known for his work in superstring theory and quantum field theory.
In 1990, he was awarded the Fields Medal for his work in superstring theory. He also received the Dirac Medal from the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in 1985


Might sound nuts, but from what he's saying it almost seems as if the upper class of Physics is keeping something from us. Am I wrong?


My gut feeling is that Eric is correct in questioning where this is all going at this stage


I once asked this guy I know, a grad from Berkeley physics, about why N Tesla wasn't followed up on. He simply dismissed everything that Tesla had worked on.


Wow wow wow. This blew my mind. Ive never heard anyone contradicting relativity and string theory like him. Great interview.


Yeah, string theory. Now let's do an honest, no-holds-barred examination of "dark energy" and "dark matter". At best, all these concepts appear to be little more than place-holders to represent phenomena nobody really understands.


This is one of the things that keeps my fear of dying at a minimum: that the secrets of the universe will be revealed.


Edward Witten, by all accounts, is an absolutely brilliant man. I've read that many people regard him as the smartest man in the world. Nevertheless, even the most brilliant people, when trying to solve some incredibly difficult problems, can sometimes be wrong.
The question is: If you do believe he's wrong, who will dare challenge him?


Even as a lay-person growing up in the 50’s & 60’s, and comparing it to what goes on now (which seems mostly as more engineering refinement ), there is a huge difference you can feel; and I think the word ‘stagnation’ perfectly describes it…
