Thirty Witnesses Encounter The Biggest UFO Sighting Ever Reported | Close Encounters

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In December 1996, in the Yukon region of Canada, more than 30 witnesses saw a giant UFO 4 times the size of a football stadium.

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I'm a pilot with a thousand hours and have worked in around airports for years. In Nov. 2016 just after sunset, I had a mind-blowing experience in Eastern Europe. While waiting for a bus I watched an aircraft 2 miles out and tracking a highway with an est. alt. 3, 000 ft. moving at est. 70 knots (slightly faster than traffic) it was flying towards me at my one o'clock position. (winds calm less than 5 knots) It had a large red position light and was strobing. At One mile the single strobe light reveals a partial circular structure. Half a mile I realized the red port side position light is on the wrong side, and no engine or prop-wash sounds, completely silent. My brains did a flip. Almost at my three o'clock position, I could see it was about to enter the clouds. Directly in front of the craft, the clouds revealed 3 or 4 almost invisible to the make eye, translucent disks about the size of a full moon that were scanning the clouds something like radar... It was not an optical illusion, lens flare, or Venus. Whatever it was it wanted you to believe it was an was not.


I saw a huge UFO low to the ground when I was a teen. It was a rainbow of colours changing slowly from bottom to top. I watched it rise up slowly, and then at incredible speed it became a bright orb in the sky. Other orbs of light then appeared around it. They moved erratically and then moved away very fast. I have never forgotten it and constantly watch the sky now.


I loved the realism in this video. Particularly the wife telling her husband how to drive, when to pull over... That’s reenactment accuracy at it’s finest ! Fascinating event here and 30 people did not see a weather balloon or swamp gas !


I have had a number of encounters with this phenomenon, over the years.
Some have been daylight sightings. The biggest close up encounter I had was on the latter part of the summer months in 1976. It was in my village. The sky opened and into my field of view came this bell-shaped UFO and hovered in front of me approx thirty to forty feet from me. Big as a house, it hovered about twenty to thirty feet in the air. Its shape was like a fifty pence piece and had large rings underside with flames coming out the centre. In between the two larger rings were peculiar shaped metal swathes of steel which could be the cause of single swirled crop circles.
I found myself talking to it as it stood outside my home on a street of houses, overlooking a field on one side opposite. I could say much more about this experience but it would take too long to reiterate here.
These things are real and their occupants are real. Is it not about time that people should know the truth. "We are NOT ALONE - we have Never been alone"


I wish they would hurry up and show themselves in my lifetime


Actually I think the Japanese 747 over the gulf of Alaska reported a craft this size or bigger. That was on radar and was observed for a long time by the entire flight crew.


_"Biggest UFO ever reported..."_

I witnessed a craft that gives this 1 a run for its money back in 2010. I was sitting on my front porch smoking at around 2 AM when a *massive* a delta shaped craft consisting of 5 laser point red lights appeared right above my vantage. I pulled my brother out of bed to come see it too, & we were both in awe. It was just like the craft described in the 1996 AZ lights case, & depending on the altitude (which i can't really gauge considering; all i know is it was in our atmosphere.) It was possible this thing was *_miles_* wide. I won't go through the entire event, but I'll say based on what it was capable of, & its behavior, & (obviously) its size, w/out the slightest shadow of a doubt, this thing was from somewhere else, & was 1000% an extraterrestrial craft.


I witnessed a UFO in 1996 with a friend while night fishing. What made it a credible sighting for me was it was hovering for about 5 minutes. After shining a torch at it it moved towards us before two fighter planes flew over us leaving a sonic boom as they went over and chased it out of sight. It moved out of sight almost instantly . I’m sure they don’t scramble fighters for fun. You don’t forget an experience like that.


If aliens revealed themselves. People would panic and go buy toilet paper.


This dramatic recreation was actually pretty good. Something similar happened to me as kid in the 80’s driving home at night with my family in rural Australia. Pretty sure we experienced lost time too. For about the next ten years or so I’d occasionally see glowing orange orbs in and around our house. Then In my teens and twenties I’d wake in the middle of the night completely paralysed with a bunch of what people now call greys standing around my bed doing stuff to me that still gives me nightmares. I’m 53 now & I’ve only recently started posting on the subject because of the ridicule I used to get.


By far this is my favorite recreation. What a great job bringing this account to life.


They see a ufo & decide to stop the vehicle, get out, & leave their baby alone... That's like the horror movie where they say "quick, let's hide behind the chainsaws"


A friend of mine and I witnessed a similar looking UFO except it was much smaller in 1969. We were camping in a field and were setting around a camp fire talking, when all of a sudden this craft came out of nowhere and flew over some trees in front of us. The only lights on the craft were on the bottom in the shape of rectangles. The lights would change from white to blue, rotating around the bottom. From those rotating lights, we could see the rest of the craft above the lights was much larger. It made no sound and flew off into the night. We didn't remember standing up, but as we were watching the UFO fly away, we turned to look at each other in a state of fright and we were standing. We left the tent, the campfire and all and went to my house and went to bed. We found out later that other people had witnessed the same craft in a near by location a few miles away.


In January of 2015, my husband and I saw, mostly heard, something huge pass overhead in central Texas, halfway between Austin and College Station. It was about 2 AM, and we heard a loud rumbling noise. It was passing slowly overhead. We ran outside and looked up. We couldn't really see much. I don't know if it was cloaked or just blocking out stars. As it moved to the northwest, we could see two bright white lights. My husband said he saw dim red lights scattered over the craft. It was rumbling like nothing we had heard before. The dogs in the neighborhood were going crazy. The closest thing I have heard to that sound was the sound of the mothership coming over the mountain in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.


What parents leave their toddler by themselves when scared to death?!?



These UFO encounters are amazing! I believe that we have had them around since the beginning of time.


I can confirm from my own experience that camera's are affected by electromagnetic disturbances caused by such craft...


My Brother & his girlfriend saw something the size of a football field in North Vancouver some years were telling the truth!


I saw one that was the size of one football stadium, with lights and looked like Windows in it. It had a drone like object came from the south as it was heading west. Then attached itself to the side of the huge craft like Velcro. And slowly flew over the top of us, then slowly out of sight. I grabbed the binoculars and watched it as it went.
It happened at night, the girls screamed and ran and hid. I was not scared at all, I was fascinated. That was my third encounter. I was fifteen at the time. That was 1969, and I have not seen one since, but I am always looking. I've been lucky
This was in Bellevue Wa.


I would prefer to see the actual witnesses and hear them tell of what they saw.
Stories told by others and the reenactments are interesting but may be overly dramatised.
Witnesses first hand reports in future please.
