For Atheist Edge!

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Laura, based on my limited knowledge, halal meat is when slaughtering animals or poultry involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery, and windpipe. Animals must be alive and healthy during slaughter, and the most emphasis is the drainage of all blood from the carcass. There is no need for a religious figure to be present.
Keep up the good work, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Glad to have you as a subscriber to my channel.


Hello my friend. so glad to see you and so glad to hear you!
I think of you often.


Laura claims that the resurrection stories about Jesus and John the Baptist are confused or inconsistent and suggests that the story of Jesus’ resurrection is made up.

The gospels provide different accounts of Jesus' life, which can sometimes lead to different emphases or details. However, within Christian theology, these differences are generally not viewed as contradictions but as different perspectives of the same events.

Mainstream Christian scholars argue that the resurrection is the cornerstone of Christian faith, not because it can be "proven" in a scientific sense, but because it represents a theological truth about Jesus' divinity and victory over death.
Historical and biblical scholarship often approaches these texts with an understanding of the cultural and religious context of the time. Rather than being “made up, ” resurrection stories in early Christianity can be seen as expressions of hope and faith.


Some miracles
1.Eucharistic miracles
2.Miracles of Lourdes
3.Incorrupt body of St. Francis Xavier
4.Liquifaction of blood of St. Janerius
5.Levitation of St Joseph of Cupertino
6.Our Lady of Fatima
7.Conversion of satanic priest Blessed bartolo longo because of Rosary


Jethos daughter was actually sacrificed ? Do u know the virus on that ? I'd love to read that and bring it up to my Christian family members. I'd truly appreciate the full story there if u have the time .


Hi Laura! I keep losing my comments to you, so I thought I’d try here on your channel. 🤗😘👋🏼




You're getting everything wrong and I don't understand why you believe and trust one source over the other.

Do you know how I separated Christianity from the other religions and mythologies from around the world and how Christianity stands out by far and how is TOTALLY opposed from them?

1) Is that it makes more sense that God has to be the cause of the big bang and is outside of his creation, which this makes more sense and explains how he can manipulate his creation (miracles),   while the other pagan gods are a product of the big bang, therfore they are bounded by the laws of physics (within the universe); such as the God of thunder, the volcano god, god of war...
So Jesus is not based on a pagan God.

2) And the other one is how PERFEC and JUST God is in every aspect above all others gods...
And pay attention to this one because it is a big one.

In every religion and mythology on the planet throughout history, people have to work to deserve their salvation. 
Their life has to be weighed on a scale and as long as you did more good then bad then you are good for heaven as if they deserve it (and that's pride too); 
but  the God of The Bible says I'm perfect and just.  If you sin ones against someone then you are guilty it. 
It's through Jesus crucifixion God shows how serious and just he is, and for God coming himself to save us shows how much he loves us. 
Even in Islam Mohammed says that Allah is merciful; and he may be said that he is,   but he is not just. Being MERCIFUL and being JUST are 2 totally different things.
Let's say someone did you wrong and you take him to court to seek out justice, and the judge has mercy on him and let's him go free instead, than where is your justice? 
Even if that person truly regretted what he did to you, the judge has to be fair and just. But Jesus Christ said that if He ask for forgiveness and you forgive him,   Or even if he doesn't ask and you still forgive him, then his wrongdoings against you will also you be eraised from God's books on judgment.

3.  The pagan sacrifice and Jesus sacrifice are 2 totally different things.
Pagan's sacrifice an animal to give thanks, ask for favours or to gain something.
Jesus sacrifice is like a loving father that ran across the street and sacrifice his life in order to save his kid's life from the speeding car.

4. And also the way that The Bible was put together, the archeological evidence that also supports the story in The Bible, and also understanding and watching the who they truly are, what their symbolisms represent, how they tried to corrupt and control the world and how prophecies are being fulfilled.. makes me very strong believer.


*👍класс и привет от тренера по футболу*
