How to Build a Chicken Coop the simple way

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In this video I'll walk you through step by step on how to build your own chicken coop with just a saw, tape measure, drill, staple gun, and grinder

Link to another coop design of mine as well

supplies needed is
16- 2x4x8
1- roll of welded wire 3ft x 50ft
6- 2ft x 8ft sheets of tin (sides and roof)
2- 2ft x 6ft sheets of tin (back)
1- box of #9 x 3 inch screws (72 Count) (2 boxes if you dont use the pocket screws option)
1- box of 2.5 inch pocket Screws
2- door hinges
1- box of 9/16 inch staples
1- 50 count box of woodtite fastener screws (for holding the tin on)

cut lengths
4- 7.5 ft part of top and bottom main frame
4-57 inch make from the 2x4x10, these go with the 7.5ft to make your top and bottom frame
2-87 inch your center horizontal side boards
1-57 inch for your top center board going from one side to the other to support the tin
5-65 inch for your 4 legs and door frame
1-53 inch for the center back board horizontal
2-53.5 inches for the door
3- 16.5 inches for the door
1-24 inches for the brace under the door horizontal
1-25.25 inches for the center brace to the right of the door horizontal
3-30.75 inches for the sides and back wall upper half going vertical
1-32 inch for blocking door from opening inward
1-57 inch for perch ( I place mine 24 inch from the back wall)
Рекомендации по теме

This video is perfect for any diy'ers wanting to build a simple starter chicken coop. Thanks man.


I have watched millions of coop videos and for some reason this one makes so much sense perfect space 😁👍


This is the simplest and best way to explain a chicken coop build to a person who has never built a thing in her life!! I'm excited to get started on this!! I appreciate this so much and I'm glad no camera women were harmed in the making of this video! lol


Very helpful. I'm going to bookmark this video for when I finally get enough giddy-up to build a coup.


Just built this exact coop from watching your video. Very well explained


Just built this exact coop! I even showed it in my most recent video halfway through the build, and now it’s finished. Thanks a lot man


Very nice, easily explained, well done. I like the use of the tin on the sides also.


I love it man! To put the board in the inside of that door is such a great idea. I have had numerous damaged doors. Thanks


Really enjoy and appreciate the great video. The way you explain everything and give other options is great. Your terminology lets us jack of all trades guys understand what you mean. Thank you!


Just built one yesterday! Amazing details, your list of materials spot on! Can’t thank you enough. We bought a farm and they had the chickens inside one of the horse stables. Well rats been having a field day! Not anymore. I love your other video showing a bunch of them side by side. Thanks again!


Some really nice ideas here that I would not have thought about using! Very helpful, thanks!


Thanks buddy I appreciate the plans used ur plan to make a 20 ft long turkey coupe just changed out the length worked out really well and got it completely done in two days thanks for being a big help


The BEST video for explaining how to do this! Thank you so much!!!


Thank you!!!! I have a big scrap pile of wood and wanted a video just like this!!! 🎉 subscribed!! Appreciate it.


This is literally the exact design in my head. Thanks for laying it out nicely


This is a great video! I’m totally new to everything building-related and chicken-related, and I’m a college student, but it has always been my dreams to get back to what my grandparents did, lol. Thank you so much for posting this, it’s gonna help me a buuunch.


Only just met him but loving this guy ... he's giving to ya straight as possible. Please develop and refine that talent and keep us updated : )


I have been looking for a video like this for a while. Thanks for making this project easier for me.


Just started this build today. So much easier than the A frame ground coop designs and its perfect timing found one of my dogs walking around with a chicken in its mouth. It lived.


Thank you so much. I have new landlords and the old landlord was letting me use his chicken house and fenced in area. Im a single mom so now im going to have to build a new one from scrap and thanks to you im going to be able to keep my chickens and build them a safe home. Thank you so much to you and your wife for allowing me to have access to this video. So much appreciated.
