How to Build a Chicken Coop CHEAP!

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How to build a chicken coop for under $50. In this video I will show you how to build a DIY chicken coop using pallets and materials that just about anyone can get there hands on and the best part is, we where able to do it for cheap!
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Perfect! I Built a garden shed very similar. Cost me screws and that was it. Had reclaimed corrugated metal that was saved from an old roofing job. Also built a 4x8 greenhouse nursery for practically nothing. Old pallets and reclaimed wood.. Purchased scrapped out industrial plexiglass from work for next to nothing and added automatic greenhouse vent openers which was most of the cost. A person can do a lot with "nothing". The wife has continuously complained about all the junk in the yard and recently stopped once I turned that junk into a garden shed that she desperately wanted. That junk is simply inventory... nice job


I can't fully express how much I enjoy y'alls content. It's got a certain positivity and joy running through it, which is sorely needed.
Your vids on using a Weber kettle to do BBQ got me started, and it's now something like 3+ years of Briskets, Turkeys, Pork, etc - all from a nothin' special $150 kettle. I'm really grateful for the inspiration and advice.
God Bless!


Enjoyed your video so much. Now I’ll be making a coop for our chickens. 😉

BUT the best part is how you thank our Lord for all he has given us. I feel like I’d enjoy being neighbors.


Looks great! You can’t beat that at all. Pallets are usually easy to find so this is a great project for almost anyone.


THANK YOU! This video is a LIFE saver! I have been searching for weeks for the perfect layout for my coop and I can get tons of pallets for free so this video has been the BEST I've found. Love it so much and cant wait to get started on it tomorrow!


I’ve been pondering how to use pallets to make a small tool shed. This fits the bill perfectly. Thank you!


This is a great building. For added stability I would have reversed the layers of the outer layer of wood. This would have tied the upper pallets to the lower pallets. If you can find a cheap source of outdoor paint it will help protect the wood and help your building last longer.


Absolutely BRILLIANT !! Great way to use the pallets to save money, chickens don't need a house of versace just a safe coop. Thank you for your idea and skill!


You ain't gonna beat that for less than $50! It looks great and suits it's purpose and looked like a simple build. We built one last year that cost WAY too much because we started with skids but got too fancy with it as we went along and turned into something I could probably live in myself if I had to lol. I need to build one more and this is exactly what I have in mind. Besides, I can't afford to go all out again this year.


God bless yall for giving Him thanks! I appreciate the video. I've already built a coop but my wife and I are going to be moving to our homestead in a few months and I will need to build another coop. material cost is crazy these days, this video helps so much with an idea.


Awesome video one thing you may want to consider is ventilation around the top for the moisture to escape


Thank you so much for this video. My daughter and I have been collecting pallets to do this but honestly we don't know what the hell we're doing. This gives us a good idea on how to assemble it all you're also very easy to listen to so thanks again


Subscribed from a fellow native eastern Kentuckian! I heard that accent and it sounded like home!


Thank you for sharing your homesteading adventure! I'm gonna use your pallet chicken coop idea on my own property. I'm excited to homestead as much as I can for me, my husband and 6 kids.


Great walkthrough! I'm not sure that I'd do it the exact same way, but this is a goldmine for ideas and a good basis on how to start this project.


Pallets for the win! You are correct is does not cost a lot to build a chicken coop. Great job! That has always been my plan for this type of project and others.


You made a good looking coop for absolutely the right price! Resourceful and careful. The only things I might change is adding a door, and setting the nesting boxes outside so they don’t poop on your eggs when roosting. Plus the structure is movable on the blocks. Great job!


Holy crap this is sooo smart. Probably the best & cheapest (practically free) chicken coup build I've seen


Wow, y'all did an amazing job for 50 bucks! Nice!


Great approach to having a sturdy chicken coop and decreasing your dependency on the (intentionally) fragile food chain. God Bless and keep up the good work!
