These Are The BEST Survivors For Beginners (2022)

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Best survivors for beginners in Identity V. If you have just picked up Identity V or you are a hunter main attempting to work out which survivor you want to pick up and learn without having any previous survivor knowledge, then this video is the one for you. In this video you will learn about the survivors that I consider to be the easiest to use, the strongest for beginners and the most beginner friendly survivors in the game that will help you get more wins and survive for longer. Enjoy this tier list as you watch some example gameplay of each of the survivors.

Just to clarify, I wanted to only put 12 survivors in this list, there are more survivors in the "Not Bad" tier but putting all 30+ survivors into this video would have made it way too long, so I just did the top 12 that I consider to be the best for beginners. This video is about my opinions, I may be wrong.

🟣 Thank you to all my amazing Phoenix Supporters: NelloMello, Griff and Eli ^_^.

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00:00 Intro
00:04 Not Bad (B)
02:02 Good Choice (A)
05:57 Best Choice (S)
10:32 Outro

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Want to know which survivors I think are best for solo queue ranking? 🏆


Glad to see someone who thinks priestess is not an easy character to beginners, the portals can be hard to set up properly and one bad portal can lead to a free hit for the hunter. Also, if you're near the basement you can accidentally place the portal in the ground instead of the wall Wich can cause you a lot of trouble (specially if you're already injured)


As a Decoder Main, be prepared for a LOT of Kiting. There's a 60/40 chance of you being the first target depending on which decoder you choose.


I’d also add Doctor with the “Broken Doctor” build, she gets insanely fast at healing herself and you can at least solo escape


Disclaimer for using enchantress: you will receive an insane amount of hate.


no i'd agree that enchantress is decent for beginners, mainly because she forces you to get used to being close to hunters/tight kiting. when i first started playing i was so terrified of hunters, like, terrified, and playing enchantress helped me to get used to that. when her stuns are used correctly, she also gives players time to think about their next move, like running behind a pallet, instead of them just being knocked down straight away.


I started out with perfumer and i think she’s definitely one of the best choices cus hunters dont know how to bait perfumes in the beginning so you’ll probably end up kiting for a long time. As for minds eye i definitely feel like she’s not beginner friendly cus you have to know the maps really well; I used to play her before her rework and every new map I had to practice with other characters until i knew how to move around it with minds eye. Also, she’s very weak with basically no abilities for survival and with debuffs for vaulting. Coord is also not the best choice cus you have to be really good at kiting, the gun alone wont be enough.


As an alicorn whose first character was mercenary, I do not suggest to play him at the beginning at all, I started ranking as him and hunters ofc would never chase me first.
When i reached mammoth/griffin I started using other characters since he was getting banned and i found myself having a really hard time at kiting since I had no expierence at all and the hunters I was going against were already good at chasing (pumas/manticores).
I also think that being a good mercenary takes a lot of training, it's not just a rescuer, he needs game sense, you need to know when to rescue, when to bodyblock, when to bait the hunter.

I would instead recommand that new players start with either supports or kiters: seer, psycologist, perfumer, magician, patient, entomologist, etc. to be able to fully undestand the whole game.


I don’t agree that Magician is easy for beginners. His wands should be used when you are close to hunter and you should try to mind game hunter and go to unpredictable direction to get distance between you and hunter. I don’t understand why people think he’s easy, you need a lot of practice to master your wands timing and predicting the hunter.


I used to main minds eye for a while ! I probably wanted her because she was free for a day and i really liked decoding for some reason
but now an ada main


TIP FOR DANCER or any other drop item surv: Do not drop items in Photographers photo world, you will permanently lose the item. For Professor you just can't drop scales at all so if you plan on assisting a player in the photo world you'll pretty much have to harass and try to get Joseph to chase you.


Great video. I want to add that minds eye has a slow vaulting speed which could lead to many terror shocks from new players xD


Disclaimer as a minds eye main: You will be RUTHLESSLY hunter down by the hunter(s)


thank u much for this!!!! i got the game 3 days ago and i’m trying to pick a main since the characters cost quite a lot, ive been mainly using enchantress but im not rlly good at her yet 😭 its nice to know u think she’s good for beginners tho!!!! but i’m reading these comments and i didn’t know she was hated by the fandom???? why is that????


I picked minds eye as my main in my early days in idv and I still main her to this day
She is one of the characters i've grown an attachment too.
Yes I do agree, minds eye is one of the good choices for beginners but later as soon as she goes onto higher tiers (sometimes in middle tier) she later begins to fall apart, hunters can find her by headphones or by quenching effect and if you really dont want to get found the entire match you constantly have to hide which can really slow down cipher rush and you aren't using the best of your ability, also she's really slow at vaulting so you need to be careful when interacting with pallets and windows cause you may end up getting a TS,
good points: she is the fastest decoder with 30% increased decoding speed, so she can get ciphers done quickly if she isn't found she is a guaranteed win, even if a surv does a bad kite, she's at least a guaranteed draw and she can reveal the hunter's location and decrease their interaction speed depending on how close they are, however you do need to be prepared for kiting, it is a 50-50 that you'll either be decoding the entire match, or you will have to kite the entire match

this is just from my experience ^^;


As someone who has played mind's eye, it is not very beginners friendly. This is because even though she is a fast decoder, you do need to understand how to hide ur trail and make sure the hunter doesn't hear you. She is not a very good kiter and when you are not very familiar with all maps, It can be dangerous to decode in the hunters sight. Their are also just so many other good beginner charaters to choose from and keep in mind most of her skins are bright so theres a high chance ur the first target to be spotten.


I say Entomologist should also be put on the list. (IM BIAS BUT I KNOW WHEN I HAVE A POINT)

First shes meta and she's actually one of the fastest survivors when you utilize her skill plus she's simple when you read her skill with the added bonus of being immune to most skill effects which is great for beginners cus they won't be hurt by them.

Another thing is new players might not hit the bees at all so I can pretty much bully them too.

Btw make sure ur bees are away from coordinator while playing with beginners they might shoot ur bees insteaf


I would say Little Girl. She provides easy kiting and support when used properly and is a great pick in most teams nowadays.


I'm surprised doctor isn't on this list


I kinda think patient would also be a good choice because you could get out of a tight situation really fast
