Ionic Holiday Calendar Day 21 - Ionic Sticky List & Fixed Slot

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If you want to replicate the iOS contact list with sticky headers or just need an element always fixed to the top - here's how to do it!

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For this use case you could also use ion-item-divider with the attribute sticky="true"


In the next episodes (or even the next year) you should make a video about the Status Bar, how to make it transparent or to have the Color (dynamically) of the ion-header, or even to have a part of an image displayed inside (like Airbnb App).


Your first pronunciation of "carousel" was correct :)


Many thanks for all your videos Simon.
I have requirement where I have a sticky buttons on the top like you have in second tab along with the sticky list header as you have in first tab. When combining both of your tabs in one tab (stickey list header and sticky buttons on top which scrolls to corrspondig list header), I find scroll towards top does not work with top buttons, but scroll to bottom works fine. COULD YOU PLEASE HELP ME? MANY THANKS
