Will my personal injury case go to trial?

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Transcript- My name is Edward Allen; I’m a trial lawyer and partner with the law firm of Allen and Allen. If you hire an attorney, will your personal injury case go to trial? The great majority of personal injury cases are settled out of court, but it is very difficult to predict the beginning which ones will settle and which ones will go to trial. The important thing is that every personal injury case that settles should do so based on a prediction of what would happen at trial. You probably have medical bills as a result of your injuries. You have lost time from work (from which you have not gotten a paycheck). Those financial losses are the kind of things that we can determine by the use of a calculator. What is most important in your case, is your losses as a result of the pain and inconvenience that you had yourself. One of the most difficult tasks for your lawyer is putting a value on your case, that’s why it’s critically important to have an experienced trial attorney. If the insurance company is not treating you fairly and they’re not making you a settlement offer that you and your attorney believe is consistent with the injuries that you’ve undergone, it may be in your best interest to try your case in court. Going to trial can be a very intimidating process for those individuals who are not use to that, who have not been to court before, they’re not sure where to go, they’re not sure where to sit, they’re not sure what’s going to happen, and they just want the lawyers to stop asking them questions. The key in that circumstance is to have a lawyer with you who has experience, who knows what the inside of the courtroom looks like, who has been there many times before, and is very comfortable in that environment. For more information about this topic, please visit our website.
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