CLARITY ~ Manifest Anything ~ Listen Nightly while you Sleep Meditation
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CLARITY ~ Manifest Anything ~ Listen Nightly while you Sleep Meditation
Intro: 0:00 - 3:16
Manifest Meditation: 3:16 - 25:45
Positive Affirmations: 25:45 - 3:00:00
"Clarity is the secret. Clarity is the weapon. Make it clear. See it happen. Make it clear. See it becoming."
- Aisha S. Kingu
Clarity is the secret because it is the culmination of our thoughts, visions, intentions, needs, and desires.
To manifest what we want, we must have clarity. Before we can manifest anything, we must know what we truly want. This is not always so easy. We may say we want money, but why do we want money? We must go deeper. We must first understand what human need this money will satisfy. That is clarity
• “Clarity breeds mastery. The goals you set drive the actions you’ll take.”
– Robin Sharma
When we have precise clarity on what we want to manifest into our lives, something pretty amazing happens. Opportunities will suddenly appear in front of you that you have never seen before. Odd occurrences will happen in your favor that will help you achieve what you want that will seem too extraordinary to be coincidence.
It isn’t magic. This is just the incredible power of our subconscious mind. When we are very clear with what we want, and ask for it, the subconscious mind guides our daily actions to achieve exactly what we ask for. Doors begin to open unexpectedly, and we seem to be guided by divine intervention.
This meditation will focus on clarity. You will be guided in creating a clear intention and a clear vision. You will do this all as you are falling asleep, allowing these clear thoughts, visions, and intentions to sink deep into the subconscious mind. Try it for 30 nights and watch as the world opens up around you, watch as your dreams become a reality.