A Russian propagandist's Big Mouth | Break the Fake

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As we all know, spreading disinformation is Russia's specialty. In today's episode of Break the Fake, we dissect some of the Kremlin's finest pieces of fake news, starting with a twisted version of history from the Russian Embassy in Warsaw. This time, the Embassy challenges the facts about the first weeks of World War II. Then, we move on to a piece of Russia's finest propaganda programming and the big mouth on one of its most prominent anchors.

#RussianDisinformation #FakeNews #KremlinPropaganda #MolotovRibbentropPact #PolandWWII #KatynMassacre #BreakTheFake #Propaganda #WWII

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Good reporting. Thank you. Strong Ukraine. Strong NATO. Strong Poland.


Great show Ben. Keep the good work going 👍👍👍👍


Strange guys on RTV: Russia is striking Ukraine for 2, 5 years and now Ukraine is doing something back, they start to


The western allied forces and the USSR never where "allies". They only had a common enemy: Nazi germany.
We (the germans) got along good with the western allies, but the USSR remained an enemy.
The difference was: The western forces where democratic entities, The USSR allways was and remained a dictatorship with naturally egoistic intentions.
A thank you to poland for forgiving us (for what the nazis did) and contributing to the right causes.

For the future there´s only one outcome: Ukraine has to win and has to be included into NATO.


Ukraine is saving the russian population in Kursk


In lend-lease to Russia was a mistake. They are too ambitious.


The ONLY Enemy of RuZZia, is the Truth.


Remember George Orwell !!! 2024 is the new 1984.


As a German I regret the alliance between Germany and Russia in 1939. I hope Polish people can forgive us for this gruesome destruction of their country and trust us again. I do think some reparation agreement would be a fine move, as the former contracts from Poland were done under duress - these politicans were not acting from a free national will, but under the baton of Moscow. I think politicans in Germany make it a bit easy for themselves, and it is understandable not to want to pay.

But the benefit of a true forgiveness and mutual appreciation between Poland and Germany would mean a lot of healing - for the whole of Europe.

Moscow lied for 50 years about Katyn - but one has to be grateful to Gorby, and the people in the 90s, that they came clean. What Putin does is no less than a part of the self-destruction of Russia. He is all about controlling the narrative, to an extent that even tops the USSR. Toxic.


The West needs to stop fighting about what long range weapons to use


It is interesting to find out if this guy was still participating in the show after the break. RIP


"Russia should be deprived, not of comfortable sausages, but of the opportunity to commit aggression, which is how they see our actions towards Ukraine."
A strange turn of phrase, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn he had been deprived of his "comfortable sausages" for making that remark.


The Stalin Story is still Popular in USSR.
Likewise the Hilter Democracy Ufff.


If Russia offers to help or protect you, say NO and tell them to go away!!!


"Katyn Forest NKVD Memorial" -- contributions solicited by RF Embassy, Warsaw.


The fear on those guys faces as he said those things!


All the players on the Russian mens National hockey team agree, that Putin is a good kisser.


Damn, Ben it's either Ruzzia or the Madd Mango Mussolini Wannabe, that my neighbors can hear me swearing like a Drunken Sailor on a Saturday Night, Because of my Amazement, at the Idiocracy of BOTH....Slava Ukraine....Slava TVP....Slava Ukraine....


“Western elites”. I presume he’s talking about us Anglo-Saxons again 🤣🤣🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🫡


While the British Empire did not declare war on the USSR for their invasion of Poland the RAF begin to plan air raids on the oil fields of Azerbaijan to reduce the flow of oil to Hitler. The only reason the British government never followed through with this is their surveillance of German military traffic led them to believe Germany would eventually attack the Soviet Union, a fact they shared with Stalin, to his disbelief. The lack of military action by the Allies over Poland’s invasion was due to their lack of readiness and long range air attacks or naval blockade was about all they were really capable of. This failure happened again when Finland was attacked and although a response was finally mounted to defend Norway it was too little and after France & the Benelux were attacked, it was way too late.
