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#phrygian #dominant #modes #riff #solo #guitar #chords #metal #progressive #music #lesson #guitarlesson

Hey there, fellow mindful musicians!

Today, I'm greeting you with a comparative video about the Phrygian and the Phrygian Dominant modes! Also, I have started a Patreon page

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Cosmin / The MM & GG
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I never understood these modes, because nobody showed me a damn neck diagram with the scale on it.
While you were talking, I found a few diagrams online and immediately recognized both scales. Those were the very first scales I memorized 20 years ago, after jumping right into 2000s metal.


As a huge fan of prog & flamenco these are probably my 2 favorite modes.


Another way to find / see the derivatives tonalities:
For the Phrygian, we shall know it's the third mode (so E Phrygian relates to C major). So if you're in D Phrygian (so D is one step below E), it's going to relate to C down a step, so Bb.
For the Phrygian dominant, if we just keep in mind that it is related to the minor harmonic scale, then we get G minor being the relative minor scale of Bb for which we have taken the harmonic version.
So D Phrygian relates to Bb, but also to Gm and so D dominant Phrygian relates to Gm as well but in its harmonic version.
They are both related to Gm.


The experience that comes from meeting something you don't know for the first time and that feeling of alienation is Rare (cause you can't unseen) and undervalued.


Great overview 👍
I have a question. Have you tried phrygian dominant while borrowing flat fifth and sharp seventh? does this have any name?
I usually think about it as 1 b2 3 4 are the core notes of it. 5 and 7 can move closer the the core to create a new flavor.
sorry my music theory is really flaky. it's hard for me to explain it clearly 😅


One thing that confused me was at 7:08 you mentioned the "C" is a "major 7" in D Phrygian, but isn't C# the major 7 in D? I always thought there was a flat 7 in the Phrygian Dominant scale.


Cosmin is only an insane guitarist, educator, martial artist and polyglot? He needs to work on more skills!! Just kidding he is insanely talented. OMG. Glad I found this channel. Super helpful. I can’t wait to learn Phrygian dominant in Japanese.


I like phrygian dominant plus major 7 note (like harmonic minor), so there would be 2 minor third intervals in the scale, create even more tension, sound even more sick!


This solo rocks. It reminds me of Marty Friedman and Yngwie Malmsteen.


You can instantly hear that mysterious middle-eastern sound! Amazing!


I never heard of a phrygian dominant before but it's cool. I like it. Reminds me of like a Byzantine scale.


Phrygian sounds like Holdsworth, Phrygian Dominant sounds like Holdsworth went to Egypt.


Great idea. Ask us tio give a thumbs up B4 we know if it sux or not.


Good video and lesson
I'll re-watch as enormous amount of data
Also, everything was going fine until +/-10:00, when the Thrash Metal screaming voice kicked in
Then it all jumbled into a fur ball and became indistinguishable
Maybe, rework and leave out the screaming parts
Just an idea
Otherwise, informative regarding an complex subject
Thank you


Nice chops and helpfully communicated. To my ears, Phryg sounds 'Western classical' and PhrygDom sounds 'eastern'. And in terms of feel it's kinda like 'moody' vs 'otherwordly'. I'm a huge fan and explorer of the modes of the harmonic minor and always come back to PhrygDom for its consistency of inspiration


I think the Phrygian has a nuanced sound, whereas the Phrygian Dominant sounds a little more bold.

I don't really think one sounds better than the other.


You're a big Marty Friedman fan, right? Those bends, in phyrgian, are so characteristic of his sound, the way you're playing them. I'm a big Marty fan too.


I made it to 5 mins... and then my brain turned to wax.
I'm trying to figure out which is harder: getting a PhD in Physics, Medical School, or Music Theory?
I'm thinking it's probably Music Theory.


Good vid. I never really thought about the main distinction being the major third, so that made it worth it. But the self ego-stroking in the beginning was insufferable. Like, what do karate and muscle shirts have to do with musical modes. Less about how cool you are, more about your audience.


Yooo, gimmie the things you used to make that initial backing beat!
