Global Microphone Mute Shortcut for Linux

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Here we demonstrate the commands that will allow you to globally mute/unmute your microphone so you won't need to go fumbling to find the right button in your video conferencing apps like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Skype or Jitsi. Just create a custom keyboard shortcut to this command in your favourite desktop environment.

The commands to use are either:
pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle

amixer -q sset Capture toggle

The link for my config (dot) files and scripts at gitlab is:

Photo by visuals on Unsplash - visuals-Y4qzW3AsvqI-unsplash

Contact me:
Twitter: @sleepyeyesvince
Рекомендации по теме

Awe man! Your the Bees Knees! The only thing is you muted my speakers and I would not hear all of the video... Lol
Really that is something good stuff to know... Like on some live streams where we hear dogs barking or heavy breathing while others talk.A person could mute the mic until they want to talk.. :-)
Thanks for the tips and commands!
Great video!


Very nice. Thanks for showing alternatives methods to mute the mic. I'll know what commands you've ran to not hear me. lol


Wait you are NOT an audio genius? So, I do something similar but using Plasma, it s a built in feature. I love it, except for when I am dumb and don't unmute myself...
