9. Spring Boot| CQRS| Create and handle @EventSourcingHandler and @EventHandler| #codewithpratik

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In Axon, an aggregate is a domain object that models a transactional consistency boundary. An aggregate receives commands, which represent changes to the state of the aggregate, and produces events, which represent the outcome of those changes.

The @Aggregate annotation indicates that this is an Axon aggregate. The @AggregateIdentifier annotation specifies that the empId field is the identifier for this aggregate.

The @CommandHandler annotations specify the methods that handle commands for this aggregate. The @EventSourcingHandler annotations specify the methods that handle events for this aggregate.

In the Axon Framework, a @CommandHandler annotation is used to mark a method that handles a specific command message. When a command is sent to the Axon Framework, it will automatically route the command message to the appropriate @CommandHandler method based on the command's payload type.

Axon provides other annotations, such as @EventSourcingHandler and @QueryHandler, that allow you to handle events and queries respectively. These annotations work in a similar way to the @CommandHandler annotation, but are used for different types of messages.


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