Reading 1000+ page books (Don Quixote)

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I read the entirety of Don Quixote in the span of two and a half months, while juggling a full course load as a full time student. I'll be telling you Why and How I read such long books as well as highlight the value reading long books have to your life.

0:00 Why Read Such Long Books?
3:17 A Handful of my Thoughts on Don Quixote
7:26 A Practical Guide to Reading Long Books
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This is the greatest novel I’ve ever read.


"You can expect somebody who's willing to read and read hard a thousand-page book is gonna be somebody with some loneliness issues" - David Foster Wallace


So, naturally my ADD brought me here, and sometimes it seems so simple to just say "yeah, just take it one day at a time", but I'm glad you also addressed the idea of sharing the small moments and parts of a book that you wouldn't be able to get if you just skimmed it.
I remember back in HS, I was one of those kids that looked up EVERY book on Sparknotes, and now that I'm returning to some of these books, I'm realizing that I missed out on so much

Also, another thing I'd add is DEFINITELY listen to audiobooks. I feel like the book community has such a huge problem with audiobooks, and like, why??? They're so much simpler and more convenient than reading printed copies sometimes. They really eliminate that "I don't have time to read" excuse


I've been reading "critique of pure reason" and this book is taking me a while to finish (700pg). It's a philosophical challenge but at the sametime so rewarding when you read a profound insight.

At times it takes a while for things to click but once things click it changes your mind for ever.


I ordered the book a few days ago and I can’t wait to read it!


Hey I just saw your video on the reddit page r/donquixote. I am currently reading Don Quixote (currently page 223? The part where the curate and the barber are in the forest listening to Cardenio) and I was wondering how people tackle these books that seem like they would take 'forever' to read, especially with the added time of deciphering some parts of the text, and this reassured me greatly haha. I also plan to read Don Quixote as I read other books as well during this summer, just because I think it will be more enjoyable. Any who great video!


I remember going on a full reading frenzy 7th and 8th grade in preparation to my Knowledgebowl team, nd literally CARRYING the team in every competition in my 8th grade year, and just, DOMINATING the other teams

It was great

(Also read Don Quixote but only the first part)


Hello Brother! I’m also an assassin fan!


eat an entire bag of dried fruit and put the book next to the toilet. you'll read the biggest book you have because otherwise you'll blast your pants off.
