Impossible Prediction REVEALED. ft. Shin Lim. Virtual Mentalism Card Trick Tutorial

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Impossible Mind-Reading/ Mentalism card magic trick that you can do either virtual or live. This one is a direct killer! With a secret that nobody will see coming!

Learn one of my BEST mentalism secrets here:

A Mentalism card trick that will fool EVERYONE

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The fact that you taught this to us for free instead of making alot of money is so overwhelming dude, thank you so much


How can he give these tutorials for free .. you're a legend man


Hey spidey, my teacher has been begging me to do a mentalism trick along with classmates for weeks this is perfect I was able to fool everyone!


Ok So we all agree I’m crazy for sharing this right? Like, it’s a super power! Anyways here are a few important BONUS TIPS if you’re doing this live and are worried about them wanting to check out the envelope.

1) make sure to not give any importance to the envelope. Be very casual about it, people don’t know about fake envelopes so there’s nothing to worry about.

2) Consider doing this in a more “stand up show” setting as opposed to a casual setting. People can’t check out your props if you’re doing a stand up set which is why stage magicians get away with a lot more than street magicians.

3) consider immediately following up with another trick so they don’t have time to ask you to see the envelope!

Ps: I know at some point it looks like the prediction is a black card, it’s not, it’s a red card the whole time. The resolution of the camera just distorted the color. The video is one take and I don’t have a gimmick made with any other card. So it physically can’t be anything else lol


I have been dealing with magic tricks with cards for 1 year and your videos have made me 5 times better ... thank you you are the best ..


Spidey that was so generous of you to share this with YouTube instead of making money. I just want to let you know you are a really great guy


How do you not have millions of subs is beyond me .Your content is simply mindblowing


Hey Spidey!

I have a talent show coming up in school, and this was just the stuff I needed. Thank you for spreading the joy of magic rather than making money of it. You are a generous man, and a true inspiration to all young magicians like me!


It is really really generous you share all these unique ideas free on youtube, so many people are selling the products not so much imprresive or something not at the level of selling, but I really liked the mentalism effect you shared in your previous videos earlier which can't be found anywhere on youtube... So thanx a lot .... Spidey .... Mad respect


Something else just occurred to me- you don't really need to stick the two cards together, you just need to preload on the other side of the envelope wall and unload the cards you want by pinching the card you want to retain thru the envelope as you slide out the two you want: this could save a lot of fiddly preparation and leave you cleaner at the end.Thanks for showing a great trick, and please keep them coming,


I performed your mentalism trick in which you predict someone's card without even looking at it for the entire time, to my sister. I have done it so many time and she is absolutely clueless!. Everyone who is seeing this should watch that video too.

Thank you for sharing all this and making our quarantine a little more interesting.


Thank you so much for sharing your method. Been out of magic for some time. Am now retired and am getting back into it. Have a new grandchild and 2 new daughters in law who enjoy watching magic. I am getting better and the rust is wearing off! Thanks again for sharing...sometimes it's NOT about the money. You're a good man and love learning from you!🤗


Thanks Again for putting out a free tutorial. Your magic is 🔥! I’ve been practicing the trick you taught where you name the card without them taking it or naming it. Very powerful! Even rewatching some old teaching videos I have of you on Theory 11.


You are a free, secure and largehearted man. It's always heartening to see you share art without any sort of pretentions. Thanks lot Spidey!


So great to see such a wonderful trick for free..and also very kind of you to do this for us people...your explanations are so clearly and you make it so easy to maybe one of the best magic teachers and magicians out least in my opinion 🙌🙌🙌


This is the real Gold, Man.Awesome trick Spidey 🔥🔥


I can't believe you gave this for FREE!
That's really kind of you sir Spidey.
Thank you for the tutorial.
This is Greatly appreciated. I'm sure a lot are.


*Spidey* 🔥 Thank you!!! I hope people realize how generous you are to share (for free) an original powerful effect like this.


Hey, spidey! This one is gold. I love it when it involve envelopes as it gives that mentalist vibe as it is with billets. Loved the performance.


Just want to join in the chorus of gratitude . Thanks for your unselfish act and probably making many folks have a better day. It's amazing to see some have actually hit the dislike (not many) but still it makes me wonder . Hats off to Spidey! - just think if everyone that appreciates what you did, decides in some way to pay it forward .
