Warren Buffett: Why we don't diversify ☝️ Charlie Munger: Diversification is for amateurs 🤷

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Although Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger recommend amateur investors to diversify their stocks into an S&P 500 index fund, they clearly state in this video that they have never diversified themselves and do not intend to do so in the future.

Here are their key points:

All we want to be in is businesses that we understand, run by people that we like, and priced attractively compared to the future prospects.

We — 80 percent of Coca-Cola’s earnings, roughly, will come from outside the United States.

But, we don’t make any specific — we don’t think in terms of, I like this region so I want to be there or something of a sort.
It’s something that’s specific to the companies we’re looking at, then we’ll try to evaluate that.

We like to put a lot of money in things that we feel strongly about. And that gets back to the diversification question.

You know, we think diversification is — as practiced generally — makes very little sense for anyone that knows what they’re doing.

Diversification is a protection against ignorance.

It’s crazy to own 50 stocks or 40 stocks or 30 stocks, probably, because there aren’t that many wonderful businesses.

On a personal portfolio basis — you know, I own one stock. But it’s a business I know. And it leaves me very comfortable.

So you know, do I need to own 28 stocks, you know, to have proper diversification, you know? It’d be nonsense.

But three wonderful businesses is more than you need in this life to do very well.

And there aren’t 50 Coca-Colas. You know, there aren’t 20. If there were, it’d be fine. We could all go out and diversify like crazy among that group and get results that would be equal to owning the really wonderful one.
But you’re not going to find it. And the truth is, you don’t need it. I mean, if you had — a really wonderful business is very well protected against the vicissitudes of the economy over time and the competition.

CHARLIE MUNGER: Yeah, what he’s saying is that much of what is taught in modern corporate finance courses is twaddle

You cannot believe this stuff. I mean, it’s modern portfolio theory

If you find three wonderful businesses in your life, you’ll get very rich.

CHARLIE MUNGER: If you believed what Warren said, you could teach the whole course in about a week

You don’t have to be right on 20 percent of the companies in the world or 10 percent of the companies in the world or 5 percent. You only have to get one good idea every year or two.

The idea that very smart people with investment skills should have hugely diversified portfolios is madness. It’s a very conventional madness. And it’s taught in all the business schools. But they’re wrong.

You will occasionally see something that you should load up on. And, as Charlie says, that’s what you really have to do. I mean, some of the people in this room loaded up on Berkshire many years ago. And the truth was, they didn’t need diversification, you know. I loaded up on it. Charlie did. And you’ll see opportunities occasionally but you’re not going to see them every day or every week.

If you think you’re going to see an opportunity every week, you’re going to lose a lot of money

If you have a good business in this country earning money in dollars, you’ll do ok.

In this sense, we’re totally out of step with modern investment management, but we think they’re wrong.

Charlie and I have been confident enough — if we were only running our own net worth — I’m certain a very significant number of times, if you go over 50 years, there have been a lot of times when you would have put at least 75 percent of your net worth into an idea. Wouldn’t there, Charlie?

CHARLIE MUNGER: Warren, there have been times in my life when I’ve had more than a hundred percent of my net worth invested in things.

Several times I had 75 percent of my net worth in one situation.

If you’re working with smaller sums — it would be a mistake not to have half your net worth in.

There will be some extraordinary things happen in a lifetime where you can put 75 percent of your net worth or something like that in a given situation.

The whole secret of investment is to find places where it’s safe and wise to non-diversify. It’s just that simple.

Diversification is for the know-nothing investor; it’s not for the professional.

A know-nothing investor will get decent results as long as they know they’re a know-nothing investor.

Diversification is crazy for somebody that really knows what they’re doing.

We try to load up on things.

I like this buy and hold investing. It’s a lovely way to live a life and you deal with a better class of people, and it’s worked pretty well for all of us.

The idea of buying an index fund over time is not to buy stocks at the right time or the right stocks. It’s to avoid buying them at the wrong time, the wrong stocks.

I don’t own any indexes.
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These words about diversification are so simple and obviously true. Elsewhere Warren and Charlie have said, if business schools acknowledged how simple the concepts of investing are, nobody would enroll.
These two are great teachers.
Charlie: R.I.P.


Most of those I had watched before. But a few I had't seen!! Very nice clips! :-))


Funny how Diversified portfolio beats over 92% of professional money managers. You can look up these statistics.
Let me repeat, Majority of professional money managers will lose to a amateur who diversifies.


Santa has to wear a Red suit eversince it featured in a Norman Rockwell Coca Cola poster😊


Is there now any publicly traded business in the US that is more diversified than Berkshire Hathaway?


Some people complain that Berkshire is highly diversified. Well actually they are because of the amount of people who invested into Berkshire. Thousands of people are making bank with Warren and Charlie.


I've been saying this forever. No school like the old school!


At a certain point, with the money and power they had gives you time. You wait until the world goes tits up and sweep ion and buy insane positions. They were basically PE with out managing a company. They can lose 75 percent of their total net worth and still have hundreds of millions. It would be interested to see each and every play they made. Since he is giving away all his money I think a book outlining trade by trade would be fantastic but that won’t happen. It gives away the mystery of how much luck they had…and they had a lot of it.


Maybe its me but with ownership of 65 companies, how is that not diversification? I've heard them say 3-6 companies is all you need but Berkshire is basically a fund without management fees in my opinion.


Renvoyez mon argent qui se trouve dans votre entreprise, M. Warren Buffet, selon la loi, j'ai le droit de poursuivre à l'amiable ou judiciairement. C'est ton choix ?


Berkshire Hathaway holds a lot of small positions because the businesses themselves are relatively small but I'm guessing Warren just loves businesses, he's not diversifying he's collecting


They need to explain that to blackrock


Look at Berkshire's 13F filings. They own like 50+ stocks consistently in the US, then international stocks, plus all the businesses they took private. If that is not diversification what is?,


Diversifying is good if you do not know how to invest. If you want to learn how to invest A Teenager’s Guide on how to Invest Like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger is a good place to start.


diversify is good and has its place on earth. non-diversify is also good under many assumptions and conditions. eventually, which ever way you choose, sometimes you succeed and sometimes you failed. investment is GAMBLING - it is for the lazy people who have money and are greedy to see the money GROW by itself while he just enjoy doing nothing. In summary, every thing that is said is as good as nothing said.


Warren has so many different investments lol


Yes both toldin rightway we missed c mungar too much diversying stocks is foolish cvnarasimham


Berkshire is already a highly-diversified conglomerate / investment company. I really like Buffett and Munger, but they are being disingenuous here. On the other hand, of course excessive diversification just for the hell of it is also dumb.
