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I can understand what you're saying. Unfortunately there are elitists like that in the shiny hunting community. It's not even just about DexNav, Masuda and the other easier methods either. People in the full odds community are criticised for even hunting ANYTHING in generation 6, because the odds were lowered from the original odds of 1/8192 to 1/4096.
I consider shinies to be more valuable in the older games, as they're much more rare and take a lot more effort to find. Of course, I'm sure that those who hunt using the easier methods value their generation 6 shinies just as much as I would value my generation 3 shinies, for example, and that's just fine. Let people hunt how they want to hunt. It doesn't have an effect on me or the way I hunt, so why should I care? I'm glad that someone decided to talk about this, good on you.


Shiny hunting is just shiny hunting. I respect every person in the ways they wanna shiny hunt. It can be in an older game or new. It's your version of shiny hunting. The hate and bashing in the Pokemon community needs to stop because we all just want the same thing a shiny Pokemon. Keep doing your thing Jay! Love you brother ^_^


I hunt full odds because it was MY choice. I sometimes even do masuda method when I want to breed a nice competitive shiny, again that was MY choice. Hunt how you want to hunt Jay and don't let anyone else get to you over it. At the end of the day it's a game. Play how you choose, not how you're told.


People who actually care how you hunt don't even represent most of the full-odds community. Most of us have the position of, "I prefer to hunt full-odds and don't find reduced-odds shinies as rewarding." THIS DOES NOT MEAN "I hate reduced-odds hunters and the way they hunt is stupid." There are people who are dicks about people using DexNav, fish chaining, Masuda, etc. but that is not most of us.

And no, it's not only full-odds hunters who attack people for the way they hunt. My friends and I always get comments from people telling us that we're stupid for hunting full-odds. Your community is not perfect and neither is mine. Please, let's all just accept that everyone hunts differently.


"Amazing, I just found a shiny Oddish!"
"Dude, that's via horde encounters. It's not full odds. You are not a shiny hunter."
*Spams wild double encounters and HGSS starter SRs on four systems*


*only likes 3 shiny Pokemon out of 721*


People are going to hunt the way they want to hunt. There is literally nothing wrong with not going full odds. I hunt full odds and I still like to see people get shinies that aren't full odds. It really doesn't make a difference. At the end of the day we are all hunting for different colored pokemon on a game screen no matter the method. I hunt full odds because I enjoy it. Thats supposed to be what its all about. Enjoying what you do and how you do it is your choice. You chose to not go full odds. That was your choice because you enjoy it. I chose to go full odds because its my choice and I enjoy it. Either way it doesn't matter since we are all just looking for different colored pokemon and it seems like the hate is going on just because people do them differently. Theres no point if its not fun for the one doing it.


Yo Jay, full-odds hunter here, just wanted to say that you hear "you aren't a real hunter" more because they just shout louder. Most of us agree that we should all hunt how we wanna hunt! We just don't shout that at you so you don't hear it, ya know?

To explain but not to validate, we were here for years and then all these other methods come in that just isn't "hunting" how we know it, and nobody likes change. Full-odds and method hunting are just different enough that they should almost have different names, but when you search on youtube only method hunting comes up now.
I like to think of it as though I'm part of the elderly, and I can't read my encyclopedia in peace because people keep yelling at me to use the internet, when I just don't want to. Yeah, I know reading takes longer!
(and yeah, it's not just the full-odds community - we get a lot of crap for not using new methods too.)
But keep doing what you're doing man, and so will we.


Also, just a note, a lot of people are agreeing and complaining about people acting like elitists when it comes to full-odds hunting, but then they go on to act like elitists about reduced-odds. That's a bit hypocritical, yeah?


People get so butt hurt about the odds and I don't know why they care so much.


I personally hunt full odds and i USUALLY dont have a problem with people who hunt lowered odds unless theyre a little bit like aDrive, which most arent. I dont like aDrive because he calls himself "The Shiny King". No one deserves that title. Basically what im saying is i dont have a problem with people not hunting full odds as long as they dont brag about it like its some ridiculous accomplishment.


Some full odds hunters think that they are the only ones who hunt correctly. I've had my fair share of hate because I switched to chaining and such. But honestly, people shouldnt care about how you hunt; its really not that big a deal.


You know what. I really do not care about how people hunt. I don't care if you fish chain, go into the friend safari, dexnav. I like to hunt full odds, it gives me a more rewarding feeling when I get a shiny. I do not enjoy reduced methods that much, because it feels like it is too easy to get one. Nonetheless, I do not mind anyone not hunting full odds. It is your choice. You do you. I have hunted reduced methods in the past and I enjoyed them sometimes, until at some point, I felt like it was getting a little boring. Therefore, I started doing full odds. Whenever I hunt full odds and I get a shiny, it feels like I worked for it more, than when I would hunt in the friend safari. Again, hunt how you want to hunt. There are some bad sides in both communities, not just in the full odds one. I do not want to bash on anyone. And I hope that you guys do not bash on us either. In the end, it is all about hunting a differently colored Pokémon, no matter how you obtain it (unless it is powersaves) it is worth something. I do not care if this comment is just a whole lot of rambling put together as one. I had to say this. I hope you all continue hunting the way YOU want to. But do not mind me sitting here hunting full odds. Have a nice day.


both full odds and other methods have their pros and cons tbh. I made a list about that.

Full odds
- you can multitask
- you don´t have to pay attention to your surroundings
- the reward factor feels AMAZING
- takes a LOT of time

- you can get shinies waaay faster
- you have to pay a lot of attention to your surroundings (pokeradar)
- you have to stay focused most of the time (chain fishing)

So yeah... everything has a benefit and a drawback in a way.
Full odds doesn´t really take skill and is super easy, but you have to spend A LOOOOT of time in exchange.
Pokeradar/fishing, etc gets you shinies way faster, but you have to pay a lot of attention. And if you lose your focus for only 1 sec, everything will be ruined.

I´m not really a shiny hunter tbh, but I did get shinies through both the full odds and pokeradar/fishing methods.
I like full odds more, because I don´t have to stay focused and I can watch some LP´s while hunting for a shiny.
Yeah it takes more time, but I feel more confortable with that.

A real shiny hunter to me, is someone who well... hunts shinies.. There is no real definition lol.
If you hunt for shinies without a cheating device, then you´re a shiny hunter. Period.


Finally someone said it.
I'm a full odds hunter myself, but I do use other methods if I feel like it. Because why not? And while trying, I figured out that some methods are just not my piece of cake (DexNav or Fish Chaining for example). I love breeding for shinies. I mostly combine it with breeding competitive Mons, but sometimes I just do it because I want the shiny and I can't get it another way (And let's be real: SRing for certain Pokemon can be annoying as hell *cough* Kalos starters *cough* ) You can choose the way you hunt. There's no general rule. And if people won't accept that, they can leave. That friggin elitist crap annoys me for a long time already. Nobody's better for using a certain method. Not the full-odds hunters. Not the DexNav users. *Nobody* I always go nuts when people go like "Ew they use DexNav, I'm disappointed :(" or "Y U NO DEXNAV" There's always two sides. I don't give a shit about how people hunt and I'd never lecture them or leave them out. If elitists don't wanna talk to people who do it a different way...*shrugs* Their loss. It's a general problem. Some people only accept it their way. Anything else is garbage and needs to gtfo. That pisses me off. Why can't we just all play the game and hunt our different-colored pixels? It's supposed to be *FUN* I'm sick of drama over a game. I do get that full-odds shinies are more rewarding for people (me included tbh), but that's a personal thing that shouldn't have any influence at all.
*tl;dr:* Hunt the way you like it. Don't discriminate people who use different ways. Not everyone of either side is a dumbass who bitches at others. Thanks for reading.


Basically, they're the vegans of the shiny hunthing community


This is Shiny Hunting racism. No way to hunt is superior than another. All ways are equal... Dexnav, Horde, Masuda, you name it! One may give better odds, but are all ways to shiny hunt and will guarantee a shiny no matter how long it takes. Every method should be equal and we should fight for shiny hunting equality


Why are people fighting about all this? We're people dedicating our precious time to searching for little monsters that are just colored differently and sparkle all pretty.


Most big hunters have problems with the new people that don't hunt full odds because of the pain. You don't know the pain until you got 20, 000 Random encounters deep in hunt on one game. Please, at least try to hunt a couple targets that are 1/8192 and you will know the pain of a treacherous hunt. Yet you will also know the great reward of finally getting it. That's the point trying to be made. You probably shiny hunt because you like the excitement of getting it, since there's not much else gain from it, so it's more excitement when it's gotten more than 100 pokemon in. And frankly, people are mad that the people who hunt with less odds get more views. less work = more views just doesn't seem fair. I don't care personally how you hunt, I enjoy hunting full odds, so i personally only watch full odds (occasional gen 6 videos), but i dont hate on other odds. I just don't think it's fair to get less views and popularity but put in more work. You said you'd hunt mewtwo, kyogre, etc. so please, go hunt those and then make a video on your experience either showing appreciation for our patience it takes, or continuous anger and disappointment, but I'll let you decide. It's unfair to judge us without experiencing it yourself.


I say do whatever you believe in. A shiny is a shiny. What someone else says should not take away the value or the feeling you get when you find it. Although I will say... When I hatched 5200 eggs for Feebas on my Y version and spent 6 months doing that hunt then to have someone tell me it wasn't a real shiny feebas because it wasn't 1/8192, I was pretty f*cking done with "full odds" hunters.
