AKG K371 - 6 Months Later

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AKG K371 Build Quality - 6 Months Later. How has my K371 been for the past 6 months and is my unit still good?

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Ok I'm no audio professional, only a performing classical musician .... I picked up a pair of AKG K371 to replace my Audio Technica M40x. Granted, I haven't listened to the Concertgebouw Orkest with Mahler's 3rd with Bayerdynamic DT 770 Pro, but ... I find nothing lacking in the soundstage of the concert hall in which the orchestra played in Budapest a couple of months ago. They use the standard european division of violins of firsts left and seconds right and you can very easily hear the part division L/R when they're playing with each other. You can distinctly hear te placement of the trombones/Tuba vs trumpets in the back rows. The fingertip playing of the bass drum was wonderful as were the explosions on the same instrument a few miutes later. All-in-all, a wonderful performance by the orchestra and the headphones. Such a shame, no one, literally no one reviews headphones with socalled "classical" (actually late romantic) music in orchestral setting. Obviosly someone at AKG dsoes listen to orchestral music.


It is great that you do these long term reviews. Thanks man!


You were more than patient with AKG and good for you for bringing the QC issues out in the open. I have been lucky with my pair and would only cautiously recommend them due to QC. Sound is excellent. I have a pari of DT990 pros and are likely the only headphone I have that wouldn't bother me if it fell off my desk. Others are a lot more fragile.


I just got the k371’s yesterday and the sound is excellent! Nice warm natural sounds.


I bought the k371 right away when the came out, and i had no issues with the build qulity so far...guess i was really lucky with my unit. Also like the sound a lot.


I feel a bit guilty about these, a friend outside the music hobby asked me for recommendations for headphones within a budget headphone enthusiasts might consider low cost but which for him was extravagant. He bought the K371 as a result and was amazed by how good they were until the headband snapped in two. The retailer replaced them, but headbands shouldn't snap. While they're not expensive neither are they that cheap, much cheaper headphones can last for years.


I'm glad to see a follow up. I don't use mine often enough but they are a unique experience and while they can sound odd at first I end up adjusting and finding them unexpectedly natural sounding. I've had mine for at least 5 months and nothing has gotten worse. The left side adjustment was loose new but holds when in use.


To anyone considering buying the AKG 371 (BT), I can honestly say they are well worth their price tag! Did a lot of research and considerations including this well-presented review before choosing to go for the 371 and was not dissappointed!

Yes, the only thing I found was I have to adjust them each time I put them on so they set perfectly on my ears, but you can easily hear when they are settled right for you on your ears, so no big problem at all. Also, I find them very comfortable wearing for a long time and don't find them too tight on my rather big (sweaty head).

Great sound, too, but I do not not have that much to compare with in that matter. I am extremely satisfied with the sound quality.


I've had them for a year and they're solid, still intact, sound great and they've performed brilliantly. I guess I'm lucky...


thank you so much for the " REAL REVIEW".... been looking for a cheap but not low quality for my home studio....


I have a K275 and absolutely love the build quality. They are about the same price, though they are the only closed headphone I have. I don't have a reference for the sound since there is very little information about it online.


I've had a pair a little over a month. Out of the box I checked them over carefully for all the issues you've highlighted and found all to be good. Just yesterday I noticed that left hand pivot/slider has become very noticeably slack. They'll be going back to the supplier a.s.a.p. but I'm still undecided whether to seek a like for like replacement or look for an alternative. On balance I'm probably going to look again at a Sennheiser. Whilst the 371s are a pleasure to listen to I can't be doing with the constant worry that they'll fail mechanically. Thanks wheezy for all the visa on this topic, just a shame these headphones have some fundamental design flaws.


That hinge design is awful - a built-in structural weak point. This is exactly the sort of brand degradation I feared would happen when Samsung bought out Harman and closed down AKG in Austria.


I've had the K371 sitting in my Amazon cart since I saw your first review. It might finally be time to pull the trigger. Great follow up!


5:42 hinge is good though - perfect for monoaural music work or voice calls where you need to be able to hear your voice. Very few headphones can pivot one earcup out of the way like this.


I've had the k371 for 5 months with no build issues so far. The clamp has become very light and is the most comfortable headphone i have that sounds THIS good. Fantastic headphone all around


My pair have held up for almost a year and a half. The QC issue is such a massive drawback for what are a genuinely great pair of headphones that punch well above their weight class at the price point they're at. Its borderline absurd how great the sound quality is given the price. If it wasn't for the build/QC issues I unironically believe they would become more standard than the DT 770 and the m50x/m70x.


Mine has a pad whose inner ring is not glued on well and leaves it a tad loose, however I haven't noticed differences in sound between sides even when swapping the pads.
Other than that they've been pretty solid, though admittedly with 12 other headphones I don't use them a lot. I'm scared about taking them outdoors though, not sure if it's because I'm scared of them being damaged or because I'm afraid of going through the same odyssey you did to get a good pair if mine are damaged...

Edit: so I ended up getting a new pair and sending the old one back, these are fine, pads are the same, folding mechanism is a bit stiffer and sound is largely the same, though they have a bit less subbass, which is better imo because on the old ones it felt a bit too disjointed from the rest of the frequencies at times.


Got my 1st pair of k371 today and right side dead out of box... I've had K361 since launch with no issues


I just pulled the trigger on two pairs of the k371. Will definitely update and state my experiences once I receive them. Hope both the pairs turn out fine for now!
