MSI® HOW TO use Flash BIOS Button

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In this demonstration, we’ll show you how to use Flash BIOS Button with MSI motherboard.
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If it stops blinking after ~10s something went wrong.
I found out the hard way that its working only with a USB2-Sticks on my B550 board!
Please upvote this so others can see it and don't waste half a day reading in forums and reddit like I did!


I almost had a heart attack when it actually finally worked thank you.
For other people, here are some things that confused me
1: YES, you CAN keep all other components plugged in during this process
2. You DO NOT power on the pc first, you keep it off while pressing the button
3. I like beeg chees borgor


Success! I did this with CPU (Ryzen 5 5600G) and ram installed. Prior to this there was no image on my monitor, and my EZ debug "CPU" light was lit on my MSI B550 M Bazooka Mobo. After following this guide, everything worked. Hope this helps someone else in my situation!


Damn, it saved my life <3

Also: you can flash with all components connected


I love how u are flashing your mobo’s bios while in the background talking about lunch with others


that's pretty interesting. not having to connect a CPU or GPU let alone a computer screen or any external hardware to put on updated BIOS. this really saved me the trouble.


Thank you msi for including this functionality on the motherboard. It saved me from going to a technician.


Gonna do this once Ryzen 3700X drops in a few weeks.

EDIT: Successfully flashed BIOS via this method on my *MSI B450M Mortar.* Worked like a charm, even with RAM, CPU installed.
Flashdrive: 32GB USB 3.0 (FAT32)
BIOS ver I used: 7B89v17.

3700X is a beast!


I came here to help you all after seeking help to flash BIOS too...

I bought a MPG X570 Carbon Wifi to use with Ryzen 5600G which couldn't POST, showing CPU led on on EZ DEBUG.

I've followed all the instructions on the video, read tons of comments here, Reddit, random tech sites, and the only way I could flash BIOS to the current latest version (7B93v1H) in my case, was to leave the mobo with only the power cables (ATX 24-pin and both ATX 12+4-pin attached onto the mobo.

Then I followed to use a FAT32 formatted 2Gb stickdrive I have here with the latest ROM renamed to MSI.ROM, plugged into the right USB2.0 slot and and pushed the magic Flash BIOS button.
I've waited for around 5 minutes as reported until the Flash BIOS red led stop blinking, then after I hard power cycled it.

After it took couple minutes to show something on screen, blinking randomly some leds on EZ DEBUG (omfg I swear I've bricked the mobo lol) and then it successully went into BIOS screen - hooray!!

I failed on many attempts, such as trying on different USB2.0 sticks varying from 32Gb to this 2Gb I've used...I utterly decided to quit, until I tried the last time ripping all the peripherals, and boom! I made it!

So whoever is trying to make it, even if you read people succeeding they could flash with CPU/RAM/GPU, I recommend trying remove everything as I said above.

Good luck!


Damn work! Really saved my life !
Do it while all component assembled. No need to unplug your component.


Interesting to see BIOS flash procedure is pretty standard across manufacturers. Thanks!


B450 MORTAR TITANIUM: There is no red LED, it is white and near the corner. Tried four or five USB drives, none worked. Then I remembered having an old 512MB USB and this worked. There should really be better compatibility with USB drives from this decade. Use the smallest USB drive you can find. 64GB, 32GB, 8GB are too big. I didn't check 4GB, I used 512MB. Format the drive as FAT32. Copy the BIOS files to the drive and rename it MSI.ROM.

You do not power up the board, you just insert the USB (lowest port in corner by button), press button, board will power itself up.

White LED near the back will start flashing repeatedly. If it blinks only three times, it didn't work. It should continue blinking steadily and if the USB drive has an indicator, it will blink too. The row of LEDs beneath the front of the board will light up white. After the flashing is complete, the white LED in the back stops (turns off) and the front LEDs beneath the board turn red.

Hope this helps. Instructions in the video are terrible.


Your USB device must be MBR!!! GPT not worked!!! Why no one talked about it!!????
UP please for info!


The video description should say that the USB stick must have MBR partitioning, FAT32 filesystem on first partition and the BIOS image in the root of the filesystem must be renamed as "MSI.ROM" in all uppercase (and if your Windows setup hides the file extension, you have to fix that first). It's great that this method works even without CPU or RAM installed so it can be used to fix compatibility problems without loaning extra hardware just to upgrade the BIOS.


Thank you for posting this! I found this online instead of calling in or creating a support ticket, and it made recovering my BIOS easy. The step about renaming the file isn't included in the motherboard documentation that ships in the box I don't think, but this video got me all the way back to a fully working system without having to engage MSI support lines at all. It saved my bacon today!


Thank You!!! You are a PC Tech. GOD! You fixed my issue even after a PC technician from a computer store told me my motherboard was bricked and I needed to buy another motherboard. You saved me $150.00.... TY TY :) I'm buying MSI products from now


I did this with a new Z690 Tomahawk wifi Ddr5, as it needed updating for an intel 13th gen i7 13700k. The pc was a new build so board was bare except for power connections. The flash seemed to be successful, usb stick would rapidly flash for 5 mins. Then board would turn of then back on. After the reboot the red Cpu light would come on, on the motherboard & stay on. I kept thinking I had an error in the flash. But the flash was fine, it was lit simply because no cpu was connected. That does make sense when you think about it. But no one explains this anywhere, hope this helps another person


And this is why some B450 boards are valid options for me. I can update the BIOS without a compatible CPU similar to my current and previous motherboards (now only the flagships/high end boards have it. Unlike my dirt cheap and mid range H87 and Z97 boards from the same manufacturer)


THIS! Worked for me. Purchased msi b450 and ryzen 3600x. Got red cpu led and nothing worked no screen etc. Did this, press flash button, now I can see the screen and I can install Windows :)


Got my 5600g going on a 550M Mortar. Good instructions, used 4gb fat32 stick, took about five minutes. Edit: USB2
