How to Convert File Types LOCALLY and SAFELY (FFmpeg Tutorial)

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Don't Be That Guy Ep. 2

FFmpeg is a free, open source, command line application that converts files to other formats locally on your machine. Don't be the guy using sketchy middle man methods, follow this tutorial and ill get you set up.

Most third party "File Converter" websites/applications use FFMpeg as its base. Using FFmpeg directly can avoid the middle man and keep your computer safe. Please leave any concerns or problems in the comments.

0:00 Intro
0:19 Downloading and Extracting FFmpeg
0:51 Create Folder for Files
1:31 Making a User Variable Path
2:19 Setting up Command Prompt
2:48 Using FFmpeg

Video Breakdown-

Downloading and Extracting FFmpeg

Now will need to properly store youtube-dl in our files

Navigate to LocalDisk C: → ProgramFiles
Create a folder here
Move FFmpeg, FFplay, FFprobe into that folder.

Now we will want FFmpeg to always run on our command prompt, to set that we will create a new User Variable, Path:

Go to Control Panel → System and Security → System → Advanced System Settings → Environment Variables.
Press the top "New..." button. Set "Path" as the variable name and for the variable value we will want to put the location of the folder we made.

It is easiest to use FFmpeg on your desktop. We can automatically open our command prompt with the following settings:

Press Windows → Type CMD → Right Click → Open File Location → Command Prompt → Right Click → Properties → Change "Start In" to your Desktop

Actually using FFmpeg:

Make sure the file you want to change is on your Desktop
Open cmd
Type "ffmpeg" → -i → Name of file → space → Name of file + New Extension
Your new file will be on your desktop

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Рекомендации по теме

>tried it
>doesn't work
>look up solution
>solution involves some language low-tech me doesn't know

great yeah so cool
