VERIFY: Undocumented immigrants and federal benefits

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A viewer wanted to know whether undocumented immigrants can receive welfare. Our Verify researchers looked into the claim.
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BS. How about the hotels they live in? This is not at all a complete report.


So they do get welfare. Food assistance, free medical is welfare.


just because the law says they are not doesn't mean anything to me - $2200 a month per illegal oh you cant count that, yes i can -


in CA and NY illegal immigrants are allowed to live in Affordable housing ...I worked at Affordable housing and we were not allowed to ask if they have a legal status, most of them just had a Mexican Passport... and sadly legal immigrants and citizens have to wait much longer on the wait list because illegals never move out


Here we are, 2024....
And they get all that while Americans struggle...
Go figure


They live off those children in all kinds of ways.


Why is it when an a legal woman who is pregnant in this country can get I think it’s Medicare or Medicaid throughout her pregnancy and received prenatal care and the cost of delivering a baby. I personally know an illegal woman has had six children here and every single one of them welfare paid for the medical bills. She’s also received WIC for all of her anchor babies she receives low income housing and she gets food stamps for her anchor babies. But she said she doesn’t get the food stamps for herself but you mean she’s not eating the food that she is getting. Stop spreading that they don’t get benefits because you damn well know they do.


They are giving these people cash money from our safety net plans.For sure.


Bullshit. Just because there is a law does not mean its enforced. They wouldn't keep coming here if they were not getting free shit.


They get a lot of benefits from State & local governments!


Not true at all!!!! In Manhattan, there are hundreds of undocumented Dominican women, who received "FREE" prenatal care at ST. Luke's Hospital including delivery. Not only that, the baby's care at the nursery. The first year of baby visit for a normal baby is $50, 000. Multiply this by 6 small children which many of the families have. The hospital coding clerks, put a special code, which means that the state of New York, and the U.S.
Government, will put up the bill.

There has been thousands of cases with women with cancer, who are being taken care as well for FREE. As a coding clerk at ST Luke's Hospital in Manhattan, it amazes me, the billions of dollars mostly out of tax payers that is given to these undocumented Dominican women. That is only in this district which is made mostly of undocumented Dominicans as a majority. Do not get me wrong, these new moms receive social worker advice for the future, such as: How much money do you need to have a baby?
A good rule of thumb is to estimate that you need 10 times your annual salary in coverage.

This number can vary greatly, so be sure to analyze your particular situation before committing to a final amount. How do you think they eat? Well, New York City has many programs for the poor and undocumented. What really get's me is this, I think if they only knew the financial burden they are putting on other's shoulders, they would think carefully if they should have another child they cannot afford. How I now this? Because when you fill up the hospital's database when coding, you fill out, name, race, place of birth, income, address, married/single, how many people work at home, and so much more.

What really get's me, is that many other people, want kids, however, even though they have a good income, they cannot afford it. Hence, those with a university degree BA, MA, PHD's have one or two, three is the max that we have seen. Most of these Dominican people have jobs under the radar, they are very hard workers, however, their income is not claim. I have seen many undocumented Dominican males who come because of a car accidents with the newest I Phone, and expensive attires, and cars.

Yes we even ask what type of car they drive and the year. By coding, the U.S. Government becomes aware for future budgets and social studies. That way, the government in Washington, and the State Government of New York can put their heads together and forecast the budgets. If the state of New York does not have enough to sustain the undocumented, the state Taxes are raised as well as Federal Taxes, Medicaid and Medicare. Now, do you see what the action of one person effect a whole government? How about the people from India which are here on a work visa, and bring the whole family, many do not believe in birth control, so you can imagine the logistic and economic nightmare.

There was once though one Dominican lady with six children back in the 70's I believe, it happened here in Manhattan. Undocumented, and on welfare, food stamps, etc... This lady won the lottery, from what I heard, she paid every single cent to welfare. That lady is my hero. When she found out how much money her family cost the government, she was in shock, but she had a lot of integrity and paid the whole amount. That is a true American!

We pay what we owe so we can support other causes, like our American Wounded Warriors, teachers salary increase, Cancer and other research. BTW, I am not singling out Dominicans, each coding section at ST Lukes's had their own demographics, this one happens to be Dominican Republic, and India. Finally, this is just one little section of the coding for these two demographics, we have two coding floors. Multiply this plus then thousands of hospitals in the USA and see what you come up with.

That unfortunately, many politicians are aware of, however, if they start to push the breaks, then all hell brakes lose. We will be accused of racism, denying the "Poor" of food, housing, and medical care.


They are eligible for affordable housing which is subsidized by taxpayers.


As soon as they have an anchor baby they get it all.


Please I see people at the pharmacy that can’t speak English yet they get free medicine and they have benefit cards.


This video fails to distinguish between Federal programs and State programs. Illegal immigrants receive substantial public assistance from state programs, especially in states run predominately by Democrats. If they get benefits and we don't call it welfare, this video claims, it isn't really "welfare." That's technically correct, but practically inaccurate. Which explains why illegal immigrants gravitate to the states with the most generous benefits, then have a child to establish citizenship (a generous interpretation of the 14th Amendment). Wealthy foreigners often get pregnant first, then come. There is an "anchor baby" industry based on this interpretation of the law. Congress ought to close the loophole, but Democrats refuse, since illegal immigrants or their chidlren tend to become Democrats. This is why Democrats want to grant citizenship to all illegal immigrants; it would, in effect, turn the USA into a one-party State.


You give our money away like its chicken feed and I NEED IT


Their American children can get housing vouchers from HUD.


What happens when we go into their country you don't want to know.




They come to the emergency room like it is a clinic
