Johan Rockström at #COP26: 10 New Insights in Climate Science | UN Climate Change

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Prof. Johan Rockström gives an overview of report outlining 10 new insights in climate science at the UN Climate Change Conference 2021 (COP26).

The UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) in Glasgow, United Kingdom is a crucial opportunity to achieve pivotal, transformational change in global climate policy and action. It is a credibility test for global efforts to address climate change and it is where Parties must make considerable progress to reach consensus on issues they have been discussing for several years. COP 26 comes against the background of widespread, rapid and intensifying climate change impacts, which are already impacting every region on Earth. Also, COP 26 comes against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the urgent need to build back better for present future generations to ensure a safe future.

The UNFCCC secretariat (UN Climate Change) is the United Nations entity tasked with supporting the global response to the threat of climate change. UNFCCC stands for United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Convention has near universal membership (197 Parties) and is the parent treaty of the 2015 Paris Agreement. The main aim of the Paris Agreement is to keep the global average temperature rise this century as close as possible to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The UNFCCC is also the parent treaty of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The ultimate objective of all three agreements under the UNFCCC is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system, in a time frame which allows ecosystems to adapt naturally and enables sustainable development.

#COP26 #UNFCCC #ClimateChange
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10 insights timestamped:
0:38 1. Stabilising at 1.5° C warming is still possible, but immediate and drastic global action is required (an overshoot is likely)
1:46 2. Rapid growth in methane and nitrous oxide emissions put us on track for 2.7° C warming
2:50 3. Megafires - climate change forces fire extremes to reach new dimensions with extreme impacts
3:18 4. Climate tipping elements incur high-impact risks (risk of interaction (cascades) between tipping element systems)
4:52 5. Global climate action must be just
5:16 6. Household behaviour changes is a crucial but overlooked opportunity for climate action
5:40 7. Political challenges impede the effectiveness of carbon pricing
6:22 8. Nature-based solutions are critical for the pathway to Paris - but look at the fine print
7:02 9. Building resilience of marine ecosystems is achievable by climate-adapted conservation
7:26 10. Cost of climate change mitigation justified by benefits to the health of humans and nature


I am impressed by how much information they distilled down and got across. Fantastic job of very directly stating the facts and findings, and telling people what needs to happen in order to prevent the most devastating effects of climate change.

If the person posting these videos reads this comment, PLEASE make subtitles available. It is vital that this information is accessible to the most amount of people possible.


Simplicity, gentleness and generosity is the solution...


Great video. You've reminded me of what someone once said💖
"The mind is the man, the poor is in it and the rich is it too".
This sentence is the secret of most successful investors. I once attended similar and ever since then I have been waxing strong financially and I most tell you the truth.


Can you share a link to the report in the text that comes with this video?


Excellent summary of key talking points & scientific data! Very helpful.

We must take action now… and massive action towards decarbonization now!

We CAN do this. We are #GenerationEarth. Be #GenE with me! 🌎


A report produced for the UK Government states that COP26 is on course to emit around 102, 500 tonnes of CO2e.
Around 60 per cent of the emissions – about 61, 500 tCO2e – come solely from international flights, an issue that has dogged the event in light of the widespread use of private jets by delegates.


Very good rational and adequate presentation backed up by concrete facts


Short and to the point - I keep being amazed how Oceans are always just a short note... they are the biggest Carbon sink at this point and are struggling to deal with the increasing acidity that comes with it.... let's hope we actually can pull all the emergency breaks on hand and get this done.... The Mediterranean region by the way already cracked the 3Degrees warming barrier....


😂😂😂so i am gonna die 2050 and they will likely stop polluting . i really don't need homage . what i want is to see . but there no way to get there myself... yet the technology allow me . from 1991 till now ... 2 degree have passed. 1.5 degree is bullshit.


factor of 30? is it 30x less or 30% less


The impact of coal used to generate electricity and the huge fallout of greenhouse gas globally must be severely restricted.., starting with the big global emitters, china, the united states, and germany.


They can't even keep up with the potholes in the roads and people believe they can control the climate of the whole planet? The stupidity of that conclusion boggles the mind.


Good presentation. Didn't address deforestation, wildlife extinction, ocean pollution, palm oil and wood extraction for global food and furniture consumption.


The idea that politicians could or even would do anything to affect the climate if we gave them more power and more tax dollars is utterly preposterous. All they would do is ask for more power and higher taxes because we didn’t give them enough to fix the problem in the first place.


Euer CC Zeichen könnte ich mir gut als Projekt vorstellen. Im Außen befindlichen C könnten sich zum Beispiel Produktion, Service, Fuhrpark befinden, im Innen liegenden C könnten Wohneinheiten, Fitness, Spaß und Spiel sein. Ein zentraler Platz als Treffpunkt, die Freifläche zwischen den beiden Buchstaben, könnte ein Gewächshaus einnehmen, welches von beiden Seiten begehbar ist. PV Anlagen, Windräder könnte man auf die Flächen auf den Gebäuden montieren, der Ehrenkranz bildet die Felder.


1.5 is ratio of partial differential equations that dictate


Endless talking and blaming does not solve this hard pressing anticipated global crises ahead of us. All energy and resources must focus on saving the planet. Deferring action target to next year is one year lost and placing the earth to irreversible vulnerability. Hence, reckon UN should consider a Global Treaty that all countries cease military productions and channel these funding, energies and resources in developing and implementing  green initiatives till the target is reach. Without a bold extraordinary Global actions, it will be disaster for all mankind.


We respect and support a culture of building human rights-based platforms for the present and future of a global 🌏 💞 🇺🇳 🌈 🩺 🧬 💉 💊 💖 🫂 🌏 community where the world lives together.


Sir, when this summit is going on, we have news that Indian big cities are suffering from bad air quality and severe sound pollution ! You have a live electronic air quality index indicator, and immediately you question the respective governments to take the action, unless you order it these democratic governments have their citizen say for pollution control !
