My Pleco Catfish doesn’t MOVE or EAT?

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My Pleco Catfish doesn’t MOVE or eat and I’m worried. Pleco catfish don’t move a lot he started they’re nocturnal. This means that this fish only comes out at night time for the most part. So when you’re looking at your fish tank during the day with the lights on chances are your cat fish is trying to hide and sleep.


Your plateau catfish isn’t eating because they may not have the right food. These fish actually consume a decent amount of protein and need it. The generic algae discs that you buy contain more protein than what you think. And the mix of them also being nocturnal results and them not getting enough food. Because when you feed your fish tank during the day all of the other fish are consuming the food while the plaque is sleeping. So commonly they will starve to death because they’re not getting enough food.

The proper way to feed these catfish is to feed your aquarium when the lights go out right before you’re about to go to bed. Because when your aquarium lights go off is when these nocturnal catfish actually come out to feed and scavenge. So by putting the food in the tank before dark it make sure that the other fish Dunkin assume it because chances are they can’t see it in the dark. This gives the catfish a level up to actually get a chance to consume some food.

You should also take in the idea of feeding some other types of food with protein. A lot of people don’t know this fish actually need decent amount of protein and that’s why you commonly see them eating on dead fish that die in your aquarium. A lot of times I will feed my cat fish sinking shrimp foods or Cichlid pallets that sink to the bottom. We want foods that seem to the bottom because they are bottom feeders and that’s where they’re gonna be hanging out and scavenging.
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i love the lemon bristle plecos they dont get super big


Just got an L128 that's about 3-4". Have tried pleco specific algae wafers, repashy powder you mix and it becomes the gel and blood worms. Have dropped the food to the bottom early am and late at night before I go to sleep, turning filter flow low so it doesn't blow it around. He is very active, cruises around a bit, but doesn't seem to be eating anything. 🤷‍♀️ I'm at a loss of what to try next. He appears visually fine, not acting strange or showing signs of illness.


i put the disks in and my other fish eat them. but i wasnt putting them in at night. i start doing that


My plecco ate a dead rope one plecco died the other 2 not eating or moving? What do I do?


How can I contact you !! My mango pleco turned white from one day to another but Isn’t dead I need help !!


I have about 6- 2inch tiger plecos I found one dead today. Another one is turning pale


My algea eater isn't moving. Please help


Well what do u mean at night? Their nightime or mine? My light runs from 6am-6pm


Bro goodday. I need your help. i just bought my pleco(2-2.5inches) and 3 day in my aqua and suddenly he collapse(turned to his sides). i feed him extra food like the hikari algae wafers and hikari sinking wafers. when he turned upside down, i went to grab my net and turned him right side up. still not moving but i can see him breathing. what do i do next? or is that normal?


I'm worried about my pleco, he's still very young I've had him for 2 months .he's normally very active during the day and is constantly eating , but he's just been put into a bigger tank that as been fully cycled, now he's hardly moving and hasn't eaten anything for 3 days now, I've been putting food into the tank of a night before I go to bed and it's still there the following morning , please help I don't know what else to do .


i got 2x 2ft long plecos, they are like 20 years old now, prob will die soon.


I think our pleco is dead. It won't move at all.
