NEW Feature REVEAL! Alpha 21 - Learn By LOOTING! 7 Days To Die

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Madmole outlines the NEW Alpha 21 7 Days To Die changes to crafting, looting and skills!

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Give me YOUR thoughts of this HUGE change to the game in Alpha 21!


Thank goodness there is a modding community for this game that is going to revert this change as soon as it comes out.


One MAJOR problem with this new system is that players will want to perform "jobs" by themselves in order to get the magazines they need and not go into a job as a team. This will get rather difficult when you're doing level 5 jobs.


This is gonna turn ever charater in to a 1 trick pony.

Leanlrn by doing has been the best system for RPGs for years. I love the system that Darkness Falls has


This style of looting feels like something that's more suited towards a single player game rather than any sort of multiplayer gameplay. I can already see the loot debates because someone spec'd into rifles looting a weapon bag while a shotgunner was desperately trying to find an upgrade or as you mentioned, failing to find cool items to share and surprise your friends with.


If you get pistol to 50 and decide to switch to shotgun, seems like you'd be screwed unless you can turn the pistol loot off.


The old style learn by doing made a lot more sense to me. I can read a book, to tell me how to make a stone axe, that's fair. But reading that book isn't going to make me any better until I start making axes! like hundreds of em 😁


This shits on multiplayer hard. My partner and I play coop all the time and she always takes the looting skills, etc, even in modpacks like DF. She basically did all the looting for us and I would spend points in things for base building, etc, because she hated that part. This completely breaks our system which we really enjoy. ANother example is I'd make our tools because I did a lot of the mining/gathering, again, now I'm going to have to actively loot to be able to even think about that. Before, when we needed some resources, she'd go out clearing POIs while I went mining... now I'm going to be falling behind because I need to be out there looting so I can make the tools to do the thing I'd rather be doing.

This only really shines in any way, in a solo play through or in a muiltiplayer situation where it's basically a free for all and there is no group coordination. It's an ugly look imo and it's going to be complicated to 'mod out' but luckily we have modders because this has a high potential to ruin the core gameplay for me.


Vedui, I always find your content and analysis to be insightful, intelligent, and helpful to me as a player. I’ve been playing since Alpha 16. I agree completely with your analysis about changing core game systems over and over is frustrating for the players. We are going to have to completely rethink point allocation…..again.

Magazines? Haven’t we already done those? If we must learn by looting, they better God damned increase the drop rate of the books and magazines. We have a Crack a Book skyscraper that I used to get 50 schematics out of per run, and now you’re lucky if you get 10. I really wish they would stop messing with things.

I am dismayed by many of the changes they made. Why make farming more time consuming and less effective? (I always would max out the perk, so the points are not the issue for me.). Now to tweak the loot system in such a way that makes it difficult to change your mind about your load out? To change the loot table based upon where you put points? I mean, they changed the loot table to lock us in to tiered loot until we leveled our loot stage, which has not been popular.

I feel they are watching us play, and saying “Oh no, we can’t have them playing our game that way.” I feel restricted by their changes, like they are trying to lock us into a play style. “You people are not crafting enough…”

The other issue for me is breaking my immersion by putting in trigger points and hiding zombies in walls and ceilings in such a way that makes it feel absurd. It’s like a carnival fun house, not a realistic post apocalyptic world. I love stealth, always max it out, and use crossbows and suppressed weapons. I know that when I max out my stealth and I hit a trigger point, fewer zombies will wake up, but still. They are writing my particular play style out of the game.


I feel like Fun Pimps are doing "Kind'a-Learn By Looting The Players..." mechanic. Don't fix something that wasn't broken guys. I like to spend 70-90% of my time in game IN THE BASE cooking; gardening (while it still makes any sense...); building/upgreading; sorting etc. That is what I enjoy the most in this game. Not to mention there's a TON of stuff that could be added for the "cave-men/women", like finding some random (otherwise extremely hard to find) items burrier in the ground.


I suspect this is in response to the issues with finding specific uncommon schematics that are more or less critical to your build. That said I think they may have over corrected by skewing the looting to your perk set instead of just making it a progressive unlock setup so that you need to find enough of X relatively common items instead of 1 instance of something that the RNG may just never roll up for you. Darkness Falls does this in a few areas where you need 2 or 3 copies of a specific skill book to fully unlock everything that book set governs.


The biggest issue for me would be the way multiplayer looting would change as I always play with my friends but a way I could see them getting around this issue is that if your allied with your friends their loot bonus could also apply to your loot that way you still can work as a team


God... There's a reason "learn by doing" is in so many games. Because it works. I wish the fun pimps would stop shooting themselves in the foot when making updates. This isn't going to make me craft anything more than I already don't because crafted items are always worse than found items unless you can craft them at high-tier qualities before you're able to find them at those qualities. I don't know... I just don't want to find a surplus of 500 books in every container I open. Loved this game a few updates ago, but some of the core gameplay decisions/reworks the funpimps have been doing lately seem so not only counterintuitive and counterproductive, but just... downright wrong and weird. Why do they have to keep adding things to the game that no other game has? Can't they just... make the game have at least /one/ thing work like other games that do stuff right?


This is why I left vanilla behind and now only play Darkness Falls. Khaine and the team really got it right with the mod.


Hmmmm...This doesn't feel definitive. They tested it yes but that doesn't mean they won't change things around. I don't know this could be interesting. As a base builder for my crew it would suck to not gain xp from building.


Tbh, i loved the way things were in alpha 17, the same alpha Darkness Falls is based on. I'll hold sway until i've played it but i'm not intialy feeling it tbh.


Well we still have darkness falls as a good substitute to this


I think a lot of ppl would like to get a drone at some point if only for the extra bag space.
Does that mean you need to craft a bunch of the lower-level stuff in that category that I probably don't want to use to be able to craft a drone?


vedui do u remember when we used to have molds in the forge for things like bullets


Any mention them fixing power and or increase it? 300watts is not enough. Also I’m still waiting for them upgrade their game engine and finally work on vulkan api. As I’ve said many times before. Vulkan has been ignored by dev for last 3+ years.

Good video.
