My 3 Favorite Backpacking Stoves

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What are your favorite backpacking stoves? Are you a canister stove lover? Do you fancy alcohol stoves? Or are you a high altitude beast and love liquid fuel stoves?
Backpacking stoves are one of those things that become a personal love. Although they are much the same, they are also very different and so many stoves provide different uses depending on style of cooking, season and more.
Here are my 3 favorite stoves as of late. They could change, but they are my go to for now with my backpacking systems.

Here are some links to the stoves mentioned in this video:


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For a remote canister stove it’s hard to beat a fire maple blade2. It just works so well.


I have the MSR Pocket Rocket Deluxe and love it.


I got to use my new Soto wind master for the first time on trail this week. I had no idea what I was missing! Been using the BRS stove for a while and the Soto blows it away!


I use the Optimus Crux, and so far, I love it!


Yay Whisperlite. I will likely show my age with this post. I got an MSR whisperlite in 1993 and it is still going strong. I did just last year buy a new fuel pump assembly. I probably could have fixed the original pump but the cost was low enough it was worth just buying a new one. I have yet to try a canister stove because the whisperlite has been rock solid for sheesh, decades? The metal is so worn out that the legs don't really click in anymore but it just won't die.


Thanks for doing the video. I'm currently buying a variety of mini stoves & experimenting building HOBO stoves. Got to go camping to try all of them out before I am forced to use them by emergency circumstances. CHEERS from Down-Under in Australia. SUBSCRIBED.
p.s. If I want to just look @ a stove(?), I GGLE 'FARM GIRL JEN ROCKET STOVE' and look at the STOVE, LOLOL.


Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to do a vid for ya. Just picked up a wind burner so I’ll have to test that out first


I have a good selection of stoves, but I still classify all of them as either a water boiler or something you can actually cook on. So it depends on what I’m cooking as to what I bring.


Cant believe Optimus Polaris not mentioned. easily the best and most versitle stove


Appreciate you making this video!! Really interesting and helpfull


With the wisperlite what's the best way packing it?
Do you put stove in a plastic bag in your pot, or do you put stove in the outer pocket?
With the fuel bottle do you put in main compartment of backpack or in the outer pocket, and do you leave on or take off the pump?


Hey, thanks a lot for making this video, I appreciate your opinion! Question though, how come you don't make note of the largest downside of the canister stoves being their wasteful single use canisters? I find it crazy that there hasn't been a push for refillable canisters. What do you think?


I've used the MSR dragonfly liquid fuel stove and love it. It's about 12 oz as well without fuel bottle and pump. It simmers extremely well and burns very efficient and hot. I'm curious if you had a reason to pick the whisperlite over the dragonfly? I also just got a GSI pinnacle canister stove that came with a pot set i bought. I'm looking forward to trying it out, but seems like it would perform similar to a BSR...thoughts? Great video...thanks!


Good Video Devin! Do you ever use your canister stoves with your fry bake? Or does the fry bake always go with the whisper lite?


No swedish made stoves; Primus, Optimus?


Okay thought I was going to have to ding you but you got the MSR International. But you said 5 stoves holding up 5 fingers, but then you said 3 stoves but we're holding up 4 fingers. Sorry it is me not you, lol. Thanks.
