Excel Magic Trick 1130: Aging Accounts Receivable Reports Using Advanced Filter & Page Setup

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See how to create an Aging Accounts Receivable Reports Using Advanced Filter:
1. (00:27 min) Helper Column. The correct formula for Days Late is: =TODAY()-D8
2. (00:49 min) Sort to bring largest to top
3. (01:10 min) Criteria Area
4. (01:40 min) AND Criteria for Advanced Filter
5. (01:58 min) Advanced Filter Dialog Box
6. (02:39 min) Page Setup
7. (04:43 min) Re-run Advanced Filter with new criteria
8. (06:19 min) Defined Names created by Advanced Filter: Extract and Criteria Names Ranges

What is an Aging Report:
Aging means how many days past the due date the invoice is. Accounts Receivable Customers must pay their bill by a certain date, if they pay late, they would be listed in one of the aging reports. If they are 1-30 days late, they are listed in the first report. 31-60, the second. And so on. Further, once the customer is so late, like 300 days, the company stops wasting its time trying to collect and writes the Accounts Receivables amount as "Bad Debt" and runs that expense through the Income Statement.
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Excel Magic Trick 1130: Aging Accounts Receivable Reports Using Advanced Filter & Page Setup
See how to create an Aging Accounts Receivable Reports Using Advanced Filter:
1. (00:27 min) Helper Column
2. (00:49 min) Sort to bring largest to top
3. (01:10 min) Criteria Area
4. (01:40 min) AND Criteria for Advanced Filter
5. (01:58 min) Advanced Filter Dialog Box
6. (02:39 min) Page Setup
7. (04:43 min) Re-run Advanced Filter with new criteria
8. (06:19 min) Defined Names created by Advanced Filter: Extract and Criteria Names Ranges


Awesome Mike with EXCELlent video on Aging accounts


Hey, Thankx for the video but unfortunately I can't get my desired results. please help to resolve this mystery.
