Bhagavad Gita Chanting -Chapter 13 #SwamiBrahmananda #Gitachanting #ChinmayaMission
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A recitation of Chapter 13 from the Bhagavad Gita by Swami Brahmananda emphasizes the nature of the self, the field of activities, and the importance of understanding consciousness.
🌸Bhagavad Gita Chanting - Chapter 13🌸सस्वर पाठ | Recitation | गीता मंत्रोपचार
00:00 - Introductory Chanting
01:30 - Praise and Invocation of Lord Vishnu
03:00 - Understanding Happiness and Suffering
05:15 - The Nature of Consciousness
07:00 - The Role of Nature in Human Experience
08:30 - Insights into Brahman and Knowledge
09:00 - Final Reflections and Conclusion
For centuries, The Bhagawad Geeta, the immortal conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna - expressed as a celestial song - has been blessing the universe with its precise and poetic teaching of self-mastery. This chanting of this Divine Song by Swami Brahmananda is an invaluable aid in personal or group contemplation upon the Geeta.Set against simple yet elevating musical notes, the verses have been chanted in the rich and resonant voice of Swami Brahmananda.
Swami Brahmananda is one of the senior-most disciples of the great Vedantin, Swami Chinmayananda. He is one of the most sought after spiritual teachers of Vedanta and his acclaimed devotional recordings are best sellers across the world.
Key Insights
- 🎵 **Chanting as a Form of Meditation**: Chanting the Bhagavad Gita serves as a meditative practice, allowing listeners to connect with divine wisdom and tranquility.
- 💖 **Interplay of Happiness and Suffering**: The text emphasizes the duality of human emotions, teaching that both joy and sorrow are essential parts of the spiritual journey.
- 🧘 **Self-Realization**: Understanding the true self beyond the physical body is crucial for spiritual enlightenment, as highlighted in this chapter.
- 🌱 **Nature's Influence**: The chapter discusses how external nature affects internal consciousness and personal experiences, urging us to recognize its impact.
- 📚 **Brahman and Knowledge**: It explores the relationship between Brahman (the ultimate reality) and knowledge, advocating for the pursuit of spiritual wisdom.
- 🔑 **Role of the Guru**: The teachings stress the importance of guidance from a spiritual teacher to navigate the complexities of life and consciousness.
- 🌈 **Unity in Diversity**: The essence of the teachings promotes understanding and acceptance of the diverse paths leading to the same ultimate truth.
🌸CM Social Media Links - Chinmaya Mission🌸
To view #Gita Chapters by Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda search for #GeetaCapsules on Youtube.
Bhagavad-gita Chant Series - Chapter 13
Verses Bhagavad-gita As It Is
Chant and hear this daily until you have memorised them all. All the best.
Happy Bhagavad-gita Chanting to all!
Ksetra Ksetrajna Vibhaga Yoga 13
क्षेत्र क्षेत्रज्ञ विभाग योग 13
Verse 1:
इदं शरीरं कौन्तेय क्षेत्रमित्यभिधीयते।
एतद्यो वेत्ति तं प्राहुः क्षेत्रज्ञ इति तद्विदः।।13.1।।
Verse 2:
क्षेत्रज्ञं चापि मां विद्धि सर्वक्षेत्रेषु भारत।
क्षेत्रक्षेत्रज्ञयोर्ज्ञानं यत्तज्ज्ञानं मतं मम।।13.2।।
Verse 3:
तत्क्षेत्रं यच्च यादृक्च यद्विकारि यतश्च यत्।
स च यो यत्प्रभावश्च तत्समासेन मे शृणु।।13.3।।
Verse 4:
महाभूतान्यहङ्कारो बुद्धिरव्यक्तमेव च।
इन्द्रियाणि दशैकं च पञ्च चेन्द्रियगोचराः।।13.4।।
Verse 5:
इच्छा द्वेषः सुखं दुःखं सङ्घातश्चेतना धृतिः।
एतत्क्षेत्रं समासेन सविकारमुदाहृतम्।।13.5।।
Verse 6:
अमानित्वमदम्भित्वमहिंसा क्षान्तिरार्जवम्।
आचार्योपासनं शौचं स्थैर्यमात्मविनिग्रहः।।13.6।।
Verse 7:
इन्द्रियार्थेषु वैराग्यमनहङ्कार एव च।
Verse 8:
असक्तिरनभिष्वङ्गः पुत्रदारगृहादिषु।
नित्यं च समचित्तत्वमिष्टानिष्टोपपत्तिषु।।13.8।।
Verse 9:
मयि चानन्ययोगेन भक्तिरव्यभिचारिणी।
Verse 10:
अध्यात्मज्ञाननित्यत्वं तत्त्वज्ञानार्थदर्शनम्।
एतज्ज्ञानमिति प्रोक्तमज्ञानं यदतोऽन्यथा।।13.10।।
Verse 11:
ज्ञेयं यत्तत्प्रवक्ष्यामि यज्ज्ञात्वाऽमृतमश्नुते।
अनादिमत्परं ब्रह्म न सत्तन्नासदुच्यते।।13.12।।
Verse 12:
सर्वतः पाणिपादं तत्सर्वतोऽक्षिशिरोमुखम्।
सर्वतः श्रुतिमल्लोके सर्वमावृत्य तिष्ठति।।13.13।।
Verse 13:
सर्वेन्द्रियगुणाभासं सर्वेन्द्रियविवर्जितम्।
असक्तं सर्वभृच्चैव निर्गुणं गुणभोक्तृ च।।13.14।।
Verse 14:
बहिरन्तश्च भूतानामचरं चरमेव च।
सूक्ष्मत्वात्तदविज्ञेयं दूरस्थं चान्तिके च तत्।।13.15।।
Verse 15:
अविभक्तं च भूतेषु विभक्तमिव च स्थितम्।
भूतभर्तृ च तज्ज्ञेयं ग्रसिष्णु प्रभविष्णु च।।13.16।।
#bhagavadgitachanting #Chant #gitachanting
Learn to chant Bhagavad Gita
🌸Bhagavad Gita Chanting - Chapter 13🌸सस्वर पाठ | Recitation | गीता मंत्रोपचार
00:00 - Introductory Chanting
01:30 - Praise and Invocation of Lord Vishnu
03:00 - Understanding Happiness and Suffering
05:15 - The Nature of Consciousness
07:00 - The Role of Nature in Human Experience
08:30 - Insights into Brahman and Knowledge
09:00 - Final Reflections and Conclusion
For centuries, The Bhagawad Geeta, the immortal conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna - expressed as a celestial song - has been blessing the universe with its precise and poetic teaching of self-mastery. This chanting of this Divine Song by Swami Brahmananda is an invaluable aid in personal or group contemplation upon the Geeta.Set against simple yet elevating musical notes, the verses have been chanted in the rich and resonant voice of Swami Brahmananda.
Swami Brahmananda is one of the senior-most disciples of the great Vedantin, Swami Chinmayananda. He is one of the most sought after spiritual teachers of Vedanta and his acclaimed devotional recordings are best sellers across the world.
Key Insights
- 🎵 **Chanting as a Form of Meditation**: Chanting the Bhagavad Gita serves as a meditative practice, allowing listeners to connect with divine wisdom and tranquility.
- 💖 **Interplay of Happiness and Suffering**: The text emphasizes the duality of human emotions, teaching that both joy and sorrow are essential parts of the spiritual journey.
- 🧘 **Self-Realization**: Understanding the true self beyond the physical body is crucial for spiritual enlightenment, as highlighted in this chapter.
- 🌱 **Nature's Influence**: The chapter discusses how external nature affects internal consciousness and personal experiences, urging us to recognize its impact.
- 📚 **Brahman and Knowledge**: It explores the relationship between Brahman (the ultimate reality) and knowledge, advocating for the pursuit of spiritual wisdom.
- 🔑 **Role of the Guru**: The teachings stress the importance of guidance from a spiritual teacher to navigate the complexities of life and consciousness.
- 🌈 **Unity in Diversity**: The essence of the teachings promotes understanding and acceptance of the diverse paths leading to the same ultimate truth.
🌸CM Social Media Links - Chinmaya Mission🌸
To view #Gita Chapters by Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda search for #GeetaCapsules on Youtube.
Bhagavad-gita Chant Series - Chapter 13
Verses Bhagavad-gita As It Is
Chant and hear this daily until you have memorised them all. All the best.
Happy Bhagavad-gita Chanting to all!
Ksetra Ksetrajna Vibhaga Yoga 13
क्षेत्र क्षेत्रज्ञ विभाग योग 13
Verse 1:
इदं शरीरं कौन्तेय क्षेत्रमित्यभिधीयते।
एतद्यो वेत्ति तं प्राहुः क्षेत्रज्ञ इति तद्विदः।।13.1।।
Verse 2:
क्षेत्रज्ञं चापि मां विद्धि सर्वक्षेत्रेषु भारत।
क्षेत्रक्षेत्रज्ञयोर्ज्ञानं यत्तज्ज्ञानं मतं मम।।13.2।।
Verse 3:
तत्क्षेत्रं यच्च यादृक्च यद्विकारि यतश्च यत्।
स च यो यत्प्रभावश्च तत्समासेन मे शृणु।।13.3।।
Verse 4:
महाभूतान्यहङ्कारो बुद्धिरव्यक्तमेव च।
इन्द्रियाणि दशैकं च पञ्च चेन्द्रियगोचराः।।13.4।।
Verse 5:
इच्छा द्वेषः सुखं दुःखं सङ्घातश्चेतना धृतिः।
एतत्क्षेत्रं समासेन सविकारमुदाहृतम्।।13.5।।
Verse 6:
अमानित्वमदम्भित्वमहिंसा क्षान्तिरार्जवम्।
आचार्योपासनं शौचं स्थैर्यमात्मविनिग्रहः।।13.6।।
Verse 7:
इन्द्रियार्थेषु वैराग्यमनहङ्कार एव च।
Verse 8:
असक्तिरनभिष्वङ्गः पुत्रदारगृहादिषु।
नित्यं च समचित्तत्वमिष्टानिष्टोपपत्तिषु।।13.8।।
Verse 9:
मयि चानन्ययोगेन भक्तिरव्यभिचारिणी।
Verse 10:
अध्यात्मज्ञाननित्यत्वं तत्त्वज्ञानार्थदर्शनम्।
एतज्ज्ञानमिति प्रोक्तमज्ञानं यदतोऽन्यथा।।13.10।।
Verse 11:
ज्ञेयं यत्तत्प्रवक्ष्यामि यज्ज्ञात्वाऽमृतमश्नुते।
अनादिमत्परं ब्रह्म न सत्तन्नासदुच्यते।।13.12।।
Verse 12:
सर्वतः पाणिपादं तत्सर्वतोऽक्षिशिरोमुखम्।
सर्वतः श्रुतिमल्लोके सर्वमावृत्य तिष्ठति।।13.13।।
Verse 13:
सर्वेन्द्रियगुणाभासं सर्वेन्द्रियविवर्जितम्।
असक्तं सर्वभृच्चैव निर्गुणं गुणभोक्तृ च।।13.14।।
Verse 14:
बहिरन्तश्च भूतानामचरं चरमेव च।
सूक्ष्मत्वात्तदविज्ञेयं दूरस्थं चान्तिके च तत्।।13.15।।
Verse 15:
अविभक्तं च भूतेषु विभक्तमिव च स्थितम्।
भूतभर्तृ च तज्ज्ञेयं ग्रसिष्णु प्रभविष्णु च।।13.16।।
#bhagavadgitachanting #Chant #gitachanting
Learn to chant Bhagavad Gita