Prusa MK3S fixing stuck filament or bad unload

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Filament breaks below the drive gears, now you're stuck, here's some tips to get you printing again.
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New 2 3rd printing saved me from a major panic attack when my filament didn't unload thanks alot subscribed.


This video helped me out so much, my extruder was not extruding. Piece of filament was exactly jammed like that. Great video!


Helped me as well, my roll ran out while I was asleep and it would not load the new one, the keys were turning the filament sensor off and using the 1.5mm wrench to push down. Thank you for being so calm, saved me!!!!


Just wanted to personally write and thank you for making this video. This has frustrated me for more than two months and this morning I decided I just need to google this issue, and viola! I wish I had done this two months ago!


Thanks for the video. I recently had my first stuck filament and ended up using the supplied needle nose plyers to work it up and out. After getting the filament out I recut it at 45 degrees passed the stripped filament area and then reloaded it. There was a nice blob that extruded before it went back to being smooth, obviously my problem. Did a test print and good to go again. The other videos I watched had the basic "heat, unload, reload" which didn't work. 3 years later and your video is still saving people from a headache, much appreciated. PS. I really enjoyed your initial comment basically saying, "It doesn't matter how we got here, but we are here." Made me laugh out loud because it is so true.


This was the most helpful video for the problem I was having. As it wound up the filament had broken and bent sideways. I couldn't heat it and pull the filament out. When I opened up the feeder, I saw the problem cleared it and now everything is working perfectly. Thank You!


I am so glad you made this video. My filament was knotted on the reel and it broke below the gears in my Prusa MK3S. I tried pushing with the filament with no success. I tried a #50 drill, but it is .03mm too large. A #51 drill would likely work, but I don't have one. I was afraid I was going to have to disassemble the extruder assembly. Using one of the small Allen wrenches worked a treat. It was a little difficult at first, but then moved easily. I am now back in business! Thank you so much!


Saved me after a 15hr print, needed 100grams more to go when the spool ran out. Tried to feed the new one in and i was on this exact scenario! Thank you, its back up and finishing 😅


My printer ran out of filament during a print and jammed my extruder. This video solved the problem in a few minutes, I am very appreciative of you taking the time to share.


Love this video, this help me fix my old printer that's been siting on a shelf for 2 years.


Thank you so much. I was so worried my printer was broken forever but you fixed it and now it runs perfectly fine. Thank you.


This helped solve my issue right away. Thank you for the clear and informative video.


Youre the man, you just saved me a ton of headache and heartbreak. Thank you!


Brooo, i haved this problem since 2 weeks, and now i could fix my prusa!!!! So much thanks for the tutorial🎉🎉


Thank you, this video saved me from panic disassembling the extruder! I totally forgot there were multiple hex keys in the assembly package and tried to fit in the one which I uses to loosen the extruder door. Luckily I was not forcing it too much, I could have break something. The smallest one fits. Since I was using PETG previously, I heated up the extruder to the preset for PC filament and with some force pushed the key into the tube. I actually didn't notice it going any further, but it did the trick because once I reasembled it, the gear could finally push the new filament into the hotend.


Great video. Thanks for that. I Just like to mention a thing I discovered when unloading the filament. If you do an unload filament the filament comes out and a beep sound is created with a message on the screen "pull out filament immediately". First it took me some time before I realized and read the message, but pulling it out was just going fine. Later on, when I knew the message was going to come to pull out immediately I already put my fingers around the filament to be ready to pull as soon as the sound beep would appear. My advice is not to do that. Because if you pull too fast the filament is getting stuck, It happened to me when i was new with the Prusa around 5 times. I took the message Immediately too serious. When I realized I had to wait 2 or 3 seconds before pulling after the beep, I never experienced a stuck filament during unload ever again. This can prevent you from needing to dismount the printer and repair it.


thanks a lot, you saved me ^^
I was already in a panic because I had to change the tube inside... but the problem was solved!


That little trick worked like a charm! Thank you very much.


This helped me! I was dreading having to take apart the whole extruder.



You, my friend, are a lifesaver! Thank you so much for this video!!! 👍🏻
