2-Minute Neuroscience: Prefrontal Cortex

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The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the area of the brain that is anterior to, or in front of, the motor cortex. It is most commonly associated with executive functions: cognitive processes that involve controlling short-sighted behavior to act with a goal in mind. In this video, I discuss the anatomy and general function of the PFC.


The term prefrontal cortex, or PFC, can be used to refer generally to the part of the frontal lobe that is anterior to, or in front of, the motor cortex.

Neuroscientists generally further divide the PFC into subregions, and while there is no clear consensus on what those subregions should be, some common demarcations include the dorsolateral, dorsomedial, ventrolateral, ventromedial, and orbitofrontal regions.

The PFC makes up a substantial proportion of the entire brain, and thus is not surprisingly involved in a long list of functions. But it is most commonly associated with executive functions. There isn’t a precise definition for the term executive functions, but it generally refers to processes that focus on controlling short-sighted behavior to be able to act with a goal in mind. This may include things like self-control, planning, decision-making, and problem-solving. Because these are complex cognitive functions, it is unlikely any one brain region is solely responsible for them, and more likely they depend on distributed networks of brain regions. Nevertheless, the PFC seems to play a critically important role in executive functions---a hypothesis supported by neuroimaging research and cases where the PFC was damaged and executive functions impaired. Although each of the subregions of the PFC is typically associated with slightly different aspects of cognition, we are not yet at the point where we can confidently assign specific roles to PFC subregions.Most evidence suggests that the executive functions of the PFC are accomplished due to the interaction of these subregions and their communication with other areas outside the PFC. One general model of PFC function is that it receives sensory information about the external world, uses that information to plan responses, and then communicates with other areas of the brain to enact a response, which might involve anything ranging from movement to simply a redirection of attention.


Purves D, Augustine GJ, Fitzpatrick D, Hall WC, Lamantia AS, Mooney RD, Platt ML, White LE. Neuroscience. 6th ed. Sunderland, MA. Sinauer Associates; 2018.

Thanks to Nicole Lookfong for help with fact-checking the script for this video.
Рекомендации по теме

The very fact that we can know anything about our brains is mindblowing. Literally.


Fabulous way of staying on Top of the Game..
I am dyslexic and I find
2 mins study a Fabulous way to store vital information....in my own brain 🧠
Belfast Ireland 🇮🇪😎


Short sharp and directly to the point. My ADHD brain LOVES it!!!


Thanks for the video.

I love learning about psychopharmacology and the brain but the more I learn the more I hear things like "isn't really known". I love it. Makes me want to learn!

Could you maybe do a video about what happens to a brain during a seizure?


Another Amazing video!! I have been watching and sharing your content for years. There is surprisingly so few neuroscience channels on YouTube. Keep up the great work. You motivated me to start my own neuroscience channel recently! Maybe we can collaborate in the future on some videos! Cheers


Thank you! really nice and concise intro to the prefrontal cortex


Great video!! Do you know how to stimulate this region of the brain??


This is literally the brain learning about the brain


Maybe the PFC doesn't really have specific roles, and it's main purpose is to be like a "manager" to the brain. It receives stimuli from other regions of the brain and is able to translate these relays into a language that makes it easier for it to analyze and therefore plan and make decisions. I'm just making assumptions however, I have no history in this field, so any corrections would be appreciated.


what is the best supplements to heal PFC from addiction?


exactly true that i have some damage to my PFC my decision making skill is very poor


Is this the same thing as "frontal lobe"? Someone was talking to me about the frontal lobe and when I looked it up to learn about it it, the websites seemed to imply it was another name for "pre frontal cortex" since they seemed to be using the terms interchangeably.
For some extra context, I'm going through a breakup and reached out to a group for advice, explaining what had been going wrong in the relationship, and how my ex and I had tried to end on good terms (because we still love each other despite how we couldn't make the relationship work), and we'd said it might not be the end, maybe we could try and rebuild our relationship after some time has passed and I've gotten more mature to be able to handle such a complex adult relationship. The person who gave me advice mentioned I'm apparently only six months away from my "frontal lobe" being developed as I mentioned I'm 23 (though when I looked it up many sites seemed to say it finishes developing at 25).


God dammit I was looking for this on your channel before I made my video on the prefrontal cortex haha. You upload it 3 days after I finish!? Curse you neuroscientifically challenged (also love the vid)



I have a huge scar on my face in this exact spot, I wonder if mine got damaged.


I am here for the coomer meme explanation, but cool video!


What is the name of centre line of brain! Make a video about that


What a diagnosis for a Slanted Forehead?


Watch siddhart warriers neuroscience in brain💕u’ll love it


real real (my PFC is turning off when people talk to me)


My PFC is s**t today. It keeps procrastinating. I engage in all easy tasks but hard tasks, the necessary tasks. :))
