Kayn is getting nerfed (finally)

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Kayn is getting nerfed (finally) in League of Legends. Riot announced new red Kayn changes!

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Won't lie his healing is crazy, he out healed me as a warwick and I ulted him while I was low too.


No, it's not "finally", it's "AGAIN"
Riot doesn't know how to do decisive changes, it's either an overshot or a microscopic nerf


to the people who are saying”no healing nerfs” red kayns healing is dependent on the amount of damage he deals, more damage = more heal, and the max health ad dmg getting nerfed from 5%-3.5% is really significant if you think about it, atleast towards tanks


Most of the time it's his damage that is crazy. Putting his damage down make his healing also down.


Few days ago I posted a thread on reddit for riot to change value of armor and mr for champions. By making the formula that counts the damage reduction champion specific rather than same for all champions. Champions with healing should have the value of bonus armor lower than Tanks like Rammus.


riot clowns nerfing grievous wound 2 times in a row be like


as a kayn main I think nerfing rhaast is fine as its a little bit op rn, BUT WHEN THEY GONNA BUFF BLUE KAYN?? They nerfed red kayn like 5 times already but leave blue kayn with its like 35% winrate.


The problem is not kayn since as we saw he's around 50% it's the build that is the problem and I have a feeling that eclipse is the main problem since they have been slapping buffs left and right on assassin items


I just took a statistic class. Even with this small sample size, Kayn's WR in Master+ with the shown build is at least 61.4% with a confidence of 90%. I used a Clopper-Pearson interval


I think the problem is more then just that. I think the problem is that his kit can let you go either kahn you want and whatever build you want. I would say a better change for him is to have his ratio's change depending on what form he goes, this way "improper" itemization wont be as big of a problem. I know builds going blue kahn with red kahn items is also pretty good from what I've seen.


hmmm, the damage nerf was visible still with the nerf from 5, 5% to 5% but now 3, 5% he will still be OP but WILL need that eclipse build instead of goredrinker to be OP just like aatrox, he was the only chmapion that was so OP he could still make use of goredrinker no problem, now maybe goredrinker needs a buff cause i dont remember last time i saw someone playing goredrinker on any champ besides him


High offense + high mobility, paired with lifesteal/omnivamp, remains OP-tier. It has always been OP tier, since Season 1. RIOT doesn't learn lessons. It just keeps that issue in the game, as they seem to think that's a healthy game dynamic. Meanwhile everyone not playing such champions bemoans how broken that kind of healing is, and everyone playing such champions bemoans every nerf to their given champion's offense and/or built in healing. It's basically a staple of LoL for this to occur every single patch, but I wish it wasn't. Things have been MUCH worse since the introduction of lethality items, which just enabled those champions to do their thing even to tank champions.


You still can't kill him even if he does a little less damage. He's essentially a tank that can walk through walls, become untargetable and heal half his health bar, each at the press of a button. Decreasing the damage of one ability doesn't fix the nightmare that is his kit.


this people didn't learn a thing. just buff anti heal 5% or something.


Correction, Rhaast got nerfed. As a Kayn main, I'm fine with this. Maybe blue will be more present finally.


He still healing the whole bar with one E! Not even Aatrox do that! WTF RIOT?!


He's my main ban when I jungle. One kill early and he just snowballs into a drain tank monster who can out heal the whole team's damage


i main him, he isnt that broken, its just the build path that is good against the current shitty meta. riot made the game unplayable if you want to drain tank, so guess what? kayn had to build mostly damage to stay relevant since you cant drain tank anymore after all the healing nerfs. not to mention cc and high mobility in current meta picks being overrepresented. riot always nerfs champs who try to cope with new build paths when the meta is pure cancer against their core identity.


Kayn has been dominating the rift for like 3 seasons straight already, definitely not the nerfs that are going to hurt him


i dont mind this aslong as they buff blue kayn since I feel like blue is just much weaker in most situations which is why red kayn is played much more
