TRICKY & Powerful Chess Opening for Black [Works Against 1.e4 & 1.d4]
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GM Igor Smirnov's B'day Special
Learn 3 Ways To Improve Your Chess Results
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you a simple, universal, and aggressive chess opening for Black which you can play against virtually any first move of White. It happens after the first moves 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 e5 3.d5 Ne7, which is known as the Kennedy, Linksspringer Variation from the Nimzowitsch Defense.
Although it may seem like White has a good position because of the strong central pawns, it is Black who gets to create a quick and devastating attack on the kingside. In fact, in the most played variation White loses in just 7 moves!
► Chapters
00:00 Aggressive & Universal Chess Opening for Black
00:40 Black's main plan in this opening
01:17 Stats: 7-move win in most common variation
04:34 Transposition from 1.d4
05:27 Line-2: If White plays 7.Nf3 instead of 7.Nge2
05:46 Play the prophylactic move a5
06:42 Middlegame attacking plan for Black
08:53 GM Igor Smirnov Birthday Special
10:00 FAQ-1: What if White doesn't play 2.d4?
11:16 FAQ-3: What if White plays 2.d5?
11:36 FAQ-4: What if White plays 2.Nf3?
#GMSmirnov #ChessOpenings #ChessOpening
Learn 3 Ways To Improve Your Chess Results
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you a simple, universal, and aggressive chess opening for Black which you can play against virtually any first move of White. It happens after the first moves 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 e5 3.d5 Ne7, which is known as the Kennedy, Linksspringer Variation from the Nimzowitsch Defense.
Although it may seem like White has a good position because of the strong central pawns, it is Black who gets to create a quick and devastating attack on the kingside. In fact, in the most played variation White loses in just 7 moves!
► Chapters
00:00 Aggressive & Universal Chess Opening for Black
00:40 Black's main plan in this opening
01:17 Stats: 7-move win in most common variation
04:34 Transposition from 1.d4
05:27 Line-2: If White plays 7.Nf3 instead of 7.Nge2
05:46 Play the prophylactic move a5
06:42 Middlegame attacking plan for Black
08:53 GM Igor Smirnov Birthday Special
10:00 FAQ-1: What if White doesn't play 2.d4?
11:16 FAQ-3: What if White plays 2.d5?
11:36 FAQ-4: What if White plays 2.Nf3?
#GMSmirnov #ChessOpenings #ChessOpening