How To Have A Godly Relationship | Biblical Dating Tips

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How To Have A Godly Relationship

My name is Ally Poirot, and I am joined with my husband @gabepoirot to discuss how Christian couples should date in order to put God first in their relationships. We take a Biblical look into God’s heart behind relationships between men and women. We also discuss a misperception that arises in relationships about the equal importance love and respect. We share many of the lessons we learned, questions we asked, and boundaries that helped us to honor God while we were single, dating, and engaged. We will cover topics such as being equally-yoked, the love language of women and men, what to do in the waiting, God's timing, settling for less, waiting for marriage, and more. If this is something you have been praying about, our hope and prayer is that it brings clarity to you. Please let us know your thoughts and whether this was helpful or not. God is calling His children forth to learn the truth about His plans and promises.

#ChristianRelationships #Temptation #SingleChristian #Singleness #ChristianDating #ChristianYouTuber #Purity #DatingBoundaries


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Related Search Terms:
Our BEST Relationship Advice
How To Date Biblically
Relationships the Godly Way
Dating the Way God Intended
The Biblical Way To Date
How Christians SHOULD Date For A Healthy Marriage
Godly Dating Tips
The Language of Love And Respect
Рекомендации по теме

I'm an indian and 21 yrs.... My bf broke up with me yesterday because his parents came to know about Today is my birthday and this video made me realise that Jesus will find me a man of God and I'm not supposed to rush things


Another important piece of advice I’ve learned. Is as a men you don’t need to look for a woman because the devil will send you as many as you want. But you need to pry for God to send you one and in his time he will and when this person is sent you will learn something very important or you will have a partner forever


There is something really pure I see in both of your eyes especially the way you both look at each other I pray that you have long and fulfilling marriage adventures ✝️


If you are a child of God- you are a new creature 💕


Hello, Victoria here(21yrs). I’m so glad I’ve come across this channel I know GOD led me here. A year and some change ago I gave my life to CHRIST and have not been in a relationship nor sex for that period. I’ve come to love GOD so much and I only want a man that is from HIM that represents HIM, unfortunately I haven’t met anybody like that but I know at the proper time of GOD he shall come, and we shall share that beautiful view and version of CHRIST’s love and marriage ❤ I pray for all of you my sisters and brothers in CHRIST, let’s continue to b strong in th LORD


I love what your husband said about the death of one's self and how the black suit represents that kind of death! That's beautiful and I've never thought of it that way!


Wow yall really spoke by the spirit of God .I bless your marriage !! Pray for me to be the man of God so that i can receive a woman of God !!❤️‍🔥


My brother and sister in Christ, I can't tell you how glad I am to have found your channel... thanks the Lord for your life and for what are you doing here, sharing biblical truth!! May Jesus bless you!!


Love these vids! I will never lower my walls or settle for less ever again.


This is the kind of channel I've been looking for thanks guys


I’ve been looking for a girl for so long, but only recently did I realize that I was not yet the man of God that I need to be to properly lead and take care of one of His daughters. If God were to bring that girl into my life right now, I would probably lose her. Now is the time for me, and many other young men, to focus on aligning with Him first and foremost.


This really helped guys don’t ever stop what your doing god bless you two


Thank you for this video. I hope everyone finds God ✝️


I just meet this girl who is 2 years older than me and I heard some people say that she does some bad things like drink alcohol and swear. But we have hung out like four times and I have not seen anything those people are talking about. I trust you guys to tell me what the best thing for me to do. I don’t know if I should proceed in this relationship. Thanks for being consistent on your videos and help us we love you and hope you have a blessed marriage.


Now I realized that I'm not ready for marriage 😂


Thank you guys, for ur advices.God bless you❤


Could you make a video about marriage and divorce. I see a lot of people online get trapped in marriages with abusive partners, unloving partners, etc.


You are really nice and cute couple, God bless you. Please pray for me to find a faithful wife .Love from Iran


Can you please do a video on which questions to ask on the first date?


I have to ask, what would you do as a man and woman who are working on yourselves, and you’ve had issues, with impurity, with lying, with non communication, and troubles communicating, traumas and other issues in the relationship, and you both know god has called you to each other, after numerous prayers and numerous confirmations of that, but feel like you can’t trust one another, but there’s love and life a good spiritual growth we are just in this space of in between the hurt and forgiveness and the peace from god, about the relationship but the relationship is rocky in the moment
