How to install Apache web server on windows | how to Host Web sites on your window |2018

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In this video you learn how to run apache web server on windows machine like xp,win7,win8,win10. Follow this step.
Step 1: download the files
Step 2: extract the files
We will install Apache in C:Apache2, so extract the ZIP file to the root of the C: drive
Step 3: configure Apache
There are several lines you should change for your production environment.

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(OS 5)Access is denied. : AH00369: Failed to open the Windows service manager, perhaps you forgot to log in as Administrator?
Open CMD as Administrator than type👇👇
cd C:\Apache24\bin

Now you are in bin folder.

than install httpd as same as show in video.

Line32 ServerRoot "c:/Apache24"
Line58 Listen 80
Line246 DocumentRoot "c:/localhost"
*Directory "c:/localhost"* ( Replace * with angle bracket )
Now Save and close the file
Step 4: install Apache as a Windows service
The easiest way to start Apache is to add it as a Windows service. From a command prompt, enter:
httpd -k install
Step5: Run Apache web Server
Alternatively, set the Startup type to “Manual” and launch Apache whenever you choose using the command “net start Apache2.4”.
If You Getting any error plz comment...

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How to install Ngrok in windows

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I didn't find the apache24 when I open the apache monitor. any help?


after i close diable wifi on pc n try acessing website its not loading tell us any paid method which can work after ngrok is off tht ll be good free sever too slow n give prblm.if net is off


(OS 5)Access is denied. : AH00369: Failed to open the Windows service manager, perhaps you forgot to log in as Adminstrator?

I got this error at the command line and my localhost folder did not contain webpages after I created it. Pls help


how tf you create folder and there are already files in it


how did you make that administrator, in that folder??
